Why are atheists so religious?
Does feminism sustain itself solely on the sexual power of women over men? That is the conclusion Paul Elam draws after an examination of the impact feminism has had on the atheist community.
Does feminism sustain itself solely on the sexual power of women over men? That is the conclusion Paul Elam draws after an examination of the impact feminism has had on the atheist community.
Matthew Steele targets his prose at the heart of men betrayed by the heart of their own home, and the courts that put the nails in their coffins. He reminds us of the power in our voices, and that we must raise them.
Zeta Masculinity entails no acceptance of personal violence. This seems like nothing until it’s understood that men are expected to both dispense and absorb personal violence on behalf of anybody but themselves.
In case you hadn’t heard, there is a huge shake up going on at the Good Men Project. Tom Matlack has stood up for men, and now his peers are punishing him for it.
A shocking expose, complete with details and the identities of individuals obsessed with power, supremacy and mass murder. Robert O’Hara reports for AVfM.
Marc Lapine made a horrific memory of December 6, and perhaps one that has resulted in hysterical reactions across the board, in Canada, and elsewhere. Davd has a better idea.
A Canadian MRA was pulled in for questioning by police officials after a complaint was made involving the MRM, weapons and alleged threats.
Violence is like a tree with a highly complicated root system. John the Other examines a significant part of the violence infrastructure, that of violence by proxy.
Today the article by John the Other offering a reward for the personal information of the SCUM advocates, continues to get viral traffic. Even Manboobz speaks up, and gets it wrong again, and again, and again.
What on earth is misogynist about calling all the fucking cunts who accuse men of rape of being goddamn lying bitches? When guys call women lying whores, they do it out of love.