To Art Professor Pete Smith
AVFM welcomes new contributor The Cul-De-Sac Hero with a pictorial review of a certain art studio in Toronto, Ontario. Turns out the class is good for college credit, and a brown shirt.
AVFM welcomes new contributor The Cul-De-Sac Hero with a pictorial review of a certain art studio in Toronto, Ontario. Turns out the class is good for college credit, and a brown shirt.
Paul Elam has driven semi’s across the continental United States, but one thing remains the same everywhere, he says. Even with truck drivers, the allure of vagina rules the day.
Sometimes the sexual molestation of a child is a horrible thing, like when the molester has a penis. And sometimes it is no big deal, like when the molester has a vagina.
Peter Lloyd gives some unmeasured opinion on the penis size debate, which apparently came across as a little stiff to female readers at mailonline. Well, if the whatever fits…
Feminism may look good or bad depending on which side of the sexual fence that life placed you. But what might it look like to someone who has actually filled both pairs of shoes. Why, like pure bullshit, of course.
Imagine that for a day that all aspects of sexual roles in this world were reversed; that men experienced the lives of women and that women actually experienced the lives with which most men actually contend. Just imagine.
The pain of men is often covered by the shadow of human avoidance, even in MRA circles. For when we do pull back the covers it is often more than can be comprehended, even by the most compassionate among us.
Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you are going to get. But you have a lot better chance of getting something good if you are a woman. At least that is what Howard Gordan discovered.
We have used, and often over used, words like mangina and white knight when describing men who kowtow to feminist approval and PC groupthink. Maybe there was a simpler word all along. Like coward.
Carlos Andrés Gómez has a list of 25 ways to be a “good man.” At least that is what he is trying to tell you. He is actually selling something else. It comes in a bottle made of cheap glass with a tacky label, and it smells like snake oil. Don’t buy it. Or if you insist, get on your knees for the transaction.