Here come the lawyers to AVFM, yet again
Well, here they come again. Attorneys, that is. And as we have every time thus far, we offer our response here on the front page.
Well, here they come again. Attorneys, that is. And as we have every time thus far, we offer our response here on the front page.
After having been horrifically abused by the Canadian criminal justice system and finally vindicated, William Mullins-Johnson now finds himself facing a family court drama Men’s Human Rights Activists are all too familiar with.
Publish Mark Hallburn and his son have been put through the same family court Hell millions of fathers face. He has one difference: he’s willing to tell his story publicly, call out the officials by name, and never be shamed into silence.
Dr. Edward Kruk, author of the book “The Equal Parent Presumption” and newly elected President of the International Council on Shared Parenting will join CAFE at the University of Toronto Friday, March 21
Dan Perrins recently sounded a warning on the pages of AVfM that if lawyers, social workers, vindictive exes, or any other people lie about men in court, he would expose their lies. Which brings him to the behaviour of Brantford lawyer David Maltby.
Children’s rights activists are being dodged by legislative leaders like West Virginia Speaker Timothy “Tim” Miley, John Brown has the story, with video.
Paul Cavanaugh, after years of exposed corruption in the Hancock Country Prosecutors Office, now wants to take over for his boss, Carletta Bassano, after she has decided not to run. One thing, though, Cavanaugh denies the corruption to begin with.
Dan Perrins has decided to expand his impressive activism repertoire by attending court cases in support of men. He has a message for all who would throw men under the bus: If you lie about men, your lies will be exposed.
Nadine O’Connor of Fathers 4 Justice has a good mainstream media interview.
John Nazarian thought, for whatever insane reason, that presenting himself to the world as a corrupt profiteer on the misery of destroyed families would endear him to everyone and make him a big shot. Uh, not so much. And as the appropriate reaction to this sleazoid intensifies, he seems to be coming apart at the seams.