Attending a Male Feminist Forum
We agree with and endorse Nick Reading’s plan to peacefully and nondisruptively attend this forum, and urge others who attend to comport themselves the same.
We agree with and endorse Nick Reading’s plan to peacefully and nondisruptively attend this forum, and urge others who attend to comport themselves the same.
We hear the same old arguments trotted out against men’s human rights advocates, and feminists, and how we’re supposedly the same, over and over. Sage Gerard has a useful response to the most common arguments.
Troubling reports. Troubling reports indeed.
A more clear and concise explanation of the difference between Feminism and Men’s Rights Activism we have yet to see.
Wisdom is a rare commodity, even in a society where intelligence and ingenuity are abundant to the point of being overflowing. If you think wisdom is a product of maturity, think again. Michael Kimmel is 62. Sage Gerard is 22. Sage. What an appropriate name.
Gender ideologues are at it again, spinning military survey results into a phony sexual assault epidemic. The National Coalition for Men, the USA’s oldest men’s rights organization challenges what is happening.
Our friends at Men’s Rights Edmonton have proven to be Canada’s most effective butt-kickers in the men’s movement. And Raz of MR-E has a terrific review you won’t want to miss.
We have for some time suspected that a member of the hate group known as Sexual Assault Voices of Edmonton, (which we refer to around here as Edmonton’s SS-A) may be a serial rapist. We have no actual proof of this, nor really, anything else to back up this claim except that she’s part of a known hate group
Meet the new boss, same as the old boss. The more things change, the more they stay the same. There is nothing new under the sun. We have a language full of cliches. When it comes to marriage, they all boil down to the same thing. A bachelor by any other name, is still better than family court.
Steve Brulé of Studio Brulé hosts a conversation between Iain Dwyer, spokesman for the Canadian Association for Equality and Paul Elam of AVFM. It is an interesting conversation between to men from different organizations with distinctly different approaches to the same shared vision.