Love sick (part 1)
Dr. Frank Tallis has written a book on the sickness that is romantic love. We bring you part one of a three-part excerpt from the book.
Dr. Frank Tallis has written a book on the sickness that is romantic love. We bring you part one of a three-part excerpt from the book.
Paul digs deeper into the interpersonal boneyard of gynocentrism. with a focus on the sacrifice of values.
Janet Bloomfield loves her female privilege, and she’s here to celebrate it with you
The unknown history of adultery and gender double standards
“Psychology of devaluing men’s lives doesn’t depend on failures in modern evolutionary thought. The medieval evolutionary analysis also devalued men.”
Man-grading and vag-boosting: the new frontiers of feminism. August Løvenskiolds rips the scabs off the latest wounds of the perpetual victims.
An Evolutionary Psychologist attempts to intellectualize and legitimize her primitive, cavewoman instincts. Douglas Galbi illuminates her innate gynocentrism posing as scholarship.
Tim Pattern examines the chains that bind and the possibilities that could be realized from male liberation from expectations.
As part of Valentines Day observations we are republishing some older articles, including this article by Peter Wright revealing Valentine’s is largely for entertaining women.