Why Call It Rape Culture?
This is the brilliant and breathtaking talk that terrified feminists to the point of howling rage: Dr. Janice Fiamengo’s “What’s Equality Got to Do with It? Men’s Issues on Campus and Feminism’s Double Standards”.
This is the brilliant and breathtaking talk that terrified feminists to the point of howling rage: Dr. Janice Fiamengo’s “What’s Equality Got to Do with It? Men’s Issues on Campus and Feminism’s Double Standards”.
Hint for Adèle Mercier. Google “Streisand Effect.”
Adèle Mercier has written the staff of AVFM. She is not a happy camper.
Why is the topic of the declining welfare of men and boys considered dangerous enough to be met by violent protesters? Professor Miles Groth examines the issue.
Fascist, Stalinist thugs successfully disrupted a peaceful attempt to discuss men’s issues at the University of Ottawa. Dan Perrins has details, and a message for those who spread hatred and lies.
A true skeptic questions everything, refusing to be led by emotional distortions of fact. Catreece Macleod, an avid skeptic, recounts a recent experience of being silenced by the emotional reasoning of a friend.
Victor Zen, a fan of the sick and twisted and a former hobbyist game developer, reminds us that feminists like Anita Sarkeesian cast everyone —including rational, free-thinking grownups— as impressionable children that require the guidance of Feminism.
Thoughtful, reasoned, rational analysis and criticism is the bane of gender ideologues everywhere.
The Canadian feminists are at it again. They are going after CAFE again and their plans to have anti-feminist Karen Straughan speak at Ryerson University. Now the university wants a chunk of cash, because they are concerned about security. Paul thinks we should help, one last time.
The current FBI definition of rape refers to the penetration of the vagina or anus without the consent of the victim. Clearly this erases all victims of rape who are forced to penetrate, generally men or boys forced to have sex with women. To help correct this definition we urge you to join us in writing to key organisations, starting with RAINN on March 15.