Totalitarian Tango
AVFM welcomes new contributor Moiret Allegiere.
The verdict is in. Feminism is a hate movement. Philip Carl Salzman with the details.
Paul with some of this thoughts on style and delivery of the men’s issues message.
Most denizens of the men’s movement will be familiar with the “Dear Colleague Letter.” However, as we so often find in the realm of feminist governance, the rabbit hole goes much deeper than we expect.
Gynocentrism proves to be a pervasive force in sexual politics. As Zach Janssen points out in this timely essay, it even calls the shots in our healthcare debate.
Dumb, dumb dumb dumb. Dumb dumb dumb dumb duuuuuuuumb,
Professor Fiamengo has a new project in the making and needs your help with stories. In addition to an extensive discussion about the project, Lucian Vâlsan and prof. Fiamengo goes into other politically incorrect topics including, but not limited to, the issue of transgender children, Donald Trump, privilege checking, and ideology. Worth a watch as …
Contrary to the feminist accusation of men as ‘micro-aggressors,’ Kelly Starrett explains the spreading of legs is a necessary struggle for health
Lindsey Middlecamp wants to harass men on the street, publish their images online and call them monsters for paying her a compliment. And she wants to do that without anyone knowing who she is. Please join us in welcoming Lindsey to personal agency.