Does Metro News support Holocaust Deniers?
We’re not saying Omar Mouallem of Canada’s Metro News is a Holocaust Denier, however, it is a serious and troubling question.
We’re not saying Omar Mouallem of Canada’s Metro News is a Holocaust Denier, however, it is a serious and troubling question.
Diana Davison explores whether using Lewis Carroll, or indeed whether a gaggle of Mother Goose metaphors will help us understand feminists, or help feminists understand themselves. Alas, we already understand. Just take a trip deep down the rabbit hole for the answers.
The feminists are at the victim narrative again, seeking to gain a foothold in another part of the tech sector. This time, it is the WordPress community. It’s a new crowd, but the same old sorry game. We may start a pool on how quickly it works.
YouTube icon Fidelbogen takes the radical notion that all human beings have a dark side, and that feminism liberates the dark side of half the human race, leaving almost no accountability for it at all.
Camille Paglia is one of the few saner voices that remains in the feminist movement. But as Janet Bloomfield points out, she still isn’t quite getting it. Feminism, no matter how doctored up, isn’t a solution. Feminism doesn’t need to be fixed. It needs to be nixed.
The Independent recently ran a story claiming that deep inequalities continue to face women in the UK labour market. Mike Buchanan pours a bucket of cold water their pity-party by dubunking the claims with fact and a little common sense.
Cathy Young is calling for a gender equity movement to replace the warring factions of the men’s rights movement and feminism. It is a great idea that she could sell much better if she wasn’t so completely wrong about what is preventing it.
Here is another gem from Ernest Belfort Bax on what he calls the “Yonic Cultus” (cult of vagina) plaguing society in the late 1800’s. It appears that very little has changed.
Eleanor Robertson has made a passionate plea in The Guardian “In defence of intersectionality – one of feminism’s most important tools.” Recognizing the deep importance of this issue, Diana Davison adds much-needed support.
Irish lass Anja Eriud has some rather pungent observations about dysfunctional, selfish female behavior, and the useful idiots who rationalize and enable it in the name of “equality.”