#Gamergate investigation raises even more questions about corruption in gaming media journalism
It appears that some in the gaming community are not content with the mainstream line about what #gamergate is really about.
It appears that some in the gaming community are not content with the mainstream line about what #gamergate is really about.
It is commonly-accepted wisdom that feminism won the vote for women. But did it? Herbert Purdy looks at the history and finds the assertion questionable.
Recently, news broke of widespread child sexual exploitation in the northern English town of Rotherham. An independent inquiry into the abuse, led by Professor Alexis Jay, found that over 1,400 children, mostly White girls, had been repeatedly victimized. Professor Jay wrote: “It is hard to describe the appalling nature of the abuse that child victims …
1,400 girls raped in Rotherham, England–and big league feminists don’t care? Read More »
Despite amazingly disingenuous claims to the contrary, Wikipedia remains intractably corrupted–this time in defense of con artist Anita Sarkeesian.
They say feminism has no power, or that it is about empowering the disempowered. Nowhere is this a more obvious lie than in Scandinavian countries.
The Factual Feminist returns debunking more lies from The Sisterhood.
Programs for “helping women” with European Union funds are nothing but a transnational corruption scheme, reports Lucian Valsan of AVfM Romania. Here’s part two of his examination of this scandal.
“We’ll protect you poor helpless victims!” says the gaming press. But that’s only further stoking the fires of rage from people of the “victim class” the Social Justice warriors claim to be speaking for. Vincent James has more.
“I wish feminism were as powerful as they say” is the frequent refrain of those who deny its influence in government. In Sweden, it’s an increasingly laughable question.
Jillian Berman earlier this year called for everybody to STFU on the “Wage Gap,” declaring debate to be over. Ellen Fishbein has a problem with this, and explains it to Jillian and anybody else who cares about honesty.