“Street Harassment” debate for mashable.com ends with a thud
Mashable.com contacted Paul to do a debate with a feminist on the racist and sexist “Street Harassment” video. Paul chipped in and the feminist on mashable checked out.
Mashable.com contacted Paul to do a debate with a feminist on the racist and sexist “Street Harassment” video. Paul chipped in and the feminist on mashable checked out.
Based Mom aka The Factual Feminist asks a few important questions about street harassment and catcalling and who has privilege over whom?
Last summer, Women, Action, and the Media (WAM!) put Facebook in a chokehold with an ultimatum, followed by complaints to advertisers. The stated goal was to pressure Facebook moderators into removing content that WAM! felt was hateful or harassing to women, but the criteria seemed to reflect WAM!’s subjective views. Content that was not in violation of Facebook community guidelines …
WAM! continues gynocentric social media harassment Read More »
The amount of feminist hypocrisy in the world is difficult to untangle, but Mykeru has a go.
Rose McGowan is concerned about all the woman-hating in the gay male community. Hate, you see, is when you don’t put all the attention on her.
What do you call a video full of children angrily shrieking vile bigoted lies into a camera? Child abuse.
Samantha Allen, Tumblr feminist, has written her way into the headlines of A Voice for Men. This, gents and ladies, is what a feminist looks like.
Have you even looked into the concept of street harassment? Clayton Craddock has. And what he sees is both sexist and racist.
In India, there have been many instances of male rape wherein the legal system has pardoned the female rapist merely because she was a woman–and none batted an eyelid.
Ladies and gentlemen, Thunderf00t!