Women: misogyny 2.0 is heading straight at you
Feminists damsel themselves so much over the alleged misogyny on the internet. Paul Elam thinks that the real thing is on the way, and it won’t be confined to the relative safety of the online world.
Feminists damsel themselves so much over the alleged misogyny on the internet. Paul Elam thinks that the real thing is on the way, and it won’t be confined to the relative safety of the online world.
A must watch from Andrea Hardie, AKA Jannet Bloomfield, AKA Judgy Bitch
Feminists warned cisgender white men not to write about the massacre in Orlando. August Løvenskiolds did anyway.
Dr Shaym provides a detailed rundown of the facts of Family Violence
Despite denials, feminism survives on a steady diet of damseling, chivalry and courtly love.
A response to a dumb Feminist post. Worth a listen for the rebuttals
Big Red is back. Nuff said.
It doesn’t take an Einstein to know that the word mansplaining is silly, but JT invokes him anyway. Feminists won’t be happy about it. Then again, when were they ever happy about anything?
Can you pass the feminist “Good Guy” test? August Løvenskiolds reveals the cheat sheet that earned him a perfect score.