Let’s imitate Hungary and make a bonfire of Women’s and Gender Studies
Janice Fiamengo suggests its high time we treated women’s and gender studies with the respect it deserves.
Janice Fiamengo suggests its high time we treated women’s and gender studies with the respect it deserves.
John Davis brings part 2 of his series on falling birth rates in developed feminist countries.
As birth rates continue to fall in developed feminist countries, governments are encouraging men to engage in more sex and procreation.
Gerard Nicol asks what is feminism?
When will feminists stop blaming victims?
The murder of Australian comedian Eurydice Dixon by a crazed perpetrator has had an unexpected outcome: the increasing refusal to demonize men as a class.
It’s more of a male discount than a pink tax as men don’t buy many things as often as women, if at all. Women influence about 83% of all consumer spending. Why else do you think that more than ¾ of store floor space is geared to them?
It is high time that feminism was recognised as a hate movement, that its ideology was felt as an embarrassment and being a feminist was seen as a badge of shame.
Elizabeth Hobson tackles toxic masculinity
Intersectional feminism, where some forms of disadvantage and oppression are admitted, and others are not.