
The Irrationality of Feminism: Remembering the Sokal Affair

On publication of his paper Sokal exposed his hoax in the journal Lingua Franca. The editors of Social Text immediately cried foul and added a misplaced criticism of Sokal’s writing style. They missed the point, entirely. Sokal’s intent was to write badly (and think badly) yet have his poor scholarship overlooked due to its superficial accordance with leftist ideology.

Sweden, where man-beating is sport!

Former prosecutor, defense attorney, and judge RK Hendrick was more than upset at recent video of a female cop and her dog beating an unarmed drunk man who posed no threat to her in front of multiple witnesses. Was it simple arrogance on her part or due to the perception that women can get away with brutality to men in Sweden, which has become notorious for legalized misandry?