Canadian Senator Anne Cools’ ongoing battle against gender feminism
Senator Anne C. Cools has worked tirelessly for equal justice and compassion for all throughout her career–and amazingly, includes men and boys in that.
Senator Anne C. Cools has worked tirelessly for equal justice and compassion for all throughout her career–and amazingly, includes men and boys in that.
“I am a feminist, and I DON’T KNOW…”
Hanna Rosin has recently discovered what Men’s Rights Activists have known for years. Joe Wilson gives her some grudging respect for it.
Men falsely accused of a crime frequently accept a “plea bargain” to a lesser offense hoping it will make everything go away. This is almost always a bad idea, but as the Joseph Harms story shows, if you refuse the deal, authorities may well do all in their power to hurt you–your rights be damned.
Tucker Carlson recently made an ass of himself on the subject of female sex predators. The Amazing Atheist has a look at this absurdity.
Coming to recognize to the lies and deceit of the world’s views of men and of women can be painful. Christian Chiasson tells his tale of abuse–and awakening and healing.
A video made by Attila Vinczer, naming public figures Carol Taggio, Dameian Muirhead, and Janet MacMillan, all named in a public lawsuit, is under legal threat of removal for “privacy violation.”
“Rape Culture” as gender ideologues describe it is not just a myth, but it’s a damaging myth that hurts women as well as men. JudgyBitch says so, only she says it a little more pungently than we do.
Pauley “Star Crazy” Perrette, star of NCIS, perpetual Damsel In Distress, and restraining order abuser, has suffered a setback. Her bullshit restraining order “violation” claim against Francis Shivers will require her to testify in court–and we’re quite certain she won’t have the guts to do that.
Our favorite feminist, Christina Hoff Sommers, steps up to challenge another item so ridiculous only a Women’s Studies department could possibly endorse it.