You’re a good boy, Damon Young
Damon Young has uncovered the true reasons why men don’t trust women. It’s because we think feelings and facts are two different things.
Damon Young has uncovered the true reasons why men don’t trust women. It’s because we think feelings and facts are two different things.
Christina Hoff Sommers is scheduled to speak tomorrow at UCLA, for a law school campus group. The attack campaign is off to an ugly start.
Paul Elam has some thoughts on the life and death of Robin Williams.
There has been quite a bit of media attention to the remarks of Whoopi Goldberg about women who commit violence against men with the idea that they are untouchable. Paul Elam offers some editorial on the matter.
Paul Cavanaugh, Assistant District Attorney (ADA) in Hancock and Washington Counties, Maine, wants to become the new District Attorney, replacing his boss Carletta Bassano, who had the good sense not to run for re-election. Unfortunately for the citizens of Maine, Cavanaugh’s record suggests quite strongly that all he has to offer is more of the same: …
Respecting a dead man’s last, dying wish is one thing. Going beyond that is not always appropriate, however.
We have all gotten used to women getting a pass on murder by using the battered wife defense. Well, sometimes the hand that feeds you will also reach out and smack you across the face.
The question is rhetorical. Everyone knows that Maureen Dowd is unnecessary. The real question is this: Is self-plagiarism an actual thing? It may be, and it may be the only reason that Dowd keeps sucking air and taking up room on a planet that doesn’t need her and to which she contributes nothing new.
And so America “celebrates,” honors if you will, another Veterans Day, when we are supposed to express thanks for all the blood spilled and lives lost, instead of demanding an end to the carnage. This, however. is A Voice for Men, and Paul Elam wants no part in glorifying these human horrors.