The truth about Christina Hoff Sommers
Christina Hoff Sommers is revered by many in the MHRM. Paul Elam raises some questions about whether that is a good idea or not.
Christina Hoff Sommers is revered by many in the MHRM. Paul Elam raises some questions about whether that is a good idea or not.
Sorry to say, religion isn’t the only reason we circumcise babies. There is profit, tradition, “it’s cleaner,” female preference, male preference, ignorance, misandry, “looks like dad,” “doesn’t look like dad” . . . all dictated by everyone but the infant.
This classic anti-MGM video stars Penn & Teller, the respected Dr. Dean Edell, and founder and nurse Marilyn Milos.
There is no evidence whatsoever that “the function of the prepuce is to stimulate rapid ejaculation.”
Informative and entertaining talk “What is an Intactivist?”
Doctor Windisch, someone who is entrusted to help and heal, is shown here circumcising “Ben” with all the ethics and compassion of an axe-murderer.
This is how to approach expecting parents about circumcision.
Dr. Lee says “most circumcisions are safe, but he says mistakes do happen. I’ve been doing this for 20 years, and I have never ever seen anybody with everything completely cut off”
If it truly conducted its health care practice “with justice, integrity and respect for the dignity of each person” it would not mutilate infants’ genitals without their consent.
Sage Gerard takes over the position of COO for the largest men’s rights organization in the western world.