T Minus 3 Hours

And so we start another countdown to showtime at A Voice for Men Radio.

Tonight, get your alibi’s together, men, we are going to talk about men getting Nifonged., or, how a single pointing finger, even one on the hand of a the average crack ho, can detonate a social and legal explosion in your life.

Lots of expert opinion will be heard in this show, as will real life first hand accounts of the carnage. Also anther visit from John the Other, and a shocking audio clip that shows you how willing some prosecutors are to look away from the plaintiffs lack of credibility and push ahead with the case, in essence, legally raping the accused.

So do your pre-show checklist now so that you can help us do a little more world shakin’ out here in Radio Free Matriarchy.

First, stop raping women, just for a little while. Then:

Make sure you are registered with A Voice for Men Radio

Sign in to the chat room at show time

Find a comfortable spot to listen

And when the time comes

Grab that phone and call the show at
(310) 388-9709

And of course you can always reach us by skype.

A special note to skype users: Please DO NOT call the show on skype unless you have a direct Ethernet connection to your modum. Wireless connections give us bad audio quality.

If you have ever been the subject of a false rape allegation, feel free to call the show. Your stories will be given priority.  The way we can make changes is for the silence to be broken about what is happening out there.  For the same reason, please feel free to link this post elsewhere so that we might reach as many men as possible.

Thanks in advance for your invaluable contribution to spreading the truth throughout the land of lies. PE

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