Feminists’ Patriarchal Worldview Inspired MGTOW
“Feminists are less interested in equality than in creating a new world order, where women only come first”
“Feminists are less interested in equality than in creating a new world order, where women only come first”
“Something has clearly played havoc with the relationship between the sexes.” But men have options
Rape advocacy has been maligned and twisted into a political agenda controlled by radicalized activists. Tim Patten takes a razor keen and well supported look into the manufactured rape culture and it’s harm to both men and women
Lesbian violence and the hatred of men. Tim Patten does not assert that all or even most Lesbians are violent but discusses a vocal and present group of Radical Lesbian Feminists and their hatred of men.
Men, women and heroism.
Navigating the pitfalls of Jealousy and Toxic Femininity.
Tim Pattern examines the chains that bind and the possibilities that could be realized from male liberation from expectations.
Domestic violence has become defined to include other abuses than only physical violence.
Tim Patten finds sexism and misandry in a caring setting.
Tim Patten discovers the new sex aristocracy.