Feminism, A Victim Mentality Disorder – TFF Episode 29
In Episode 29 Professor Fiamengo discusses how feminists display the signs and symptoms of the mental disorder “Victim Mentality.” StudioBrule
In Episode 29 Professor Fiamengo discusses how feminists display the signs and symptoms of the mental disorder “Victim Mentality.” StudioBrule
An important message for those who did not know this great man, and for those who did.
Caroline Kitchens, a Senior Research Associate at the American Enterprise Institute breaks down the origin of the one in five college rape statistics. Here are the facts
Social Justice Warriors and Cultural appropriation. Bill Whittle’s take down of this Feminist and SJW insanity
A great rundown of a recent conversation with SargonofAkkad and his insistence MRAs should drop the label “MRA”
Men’s #1 fear
Feminist thinks youTube is a cesspool of My Soggy Knees
Shoe0nHead brings us the latest feminist gift to world culture
The Revolutionary Student Movement?
This post isn’t an endorsement of feminism, but an affirmation that when feminists act like their sacred dictionary definition, it should be recognized. PE