Houston, we have a Red Pill screening
Paul is bringing The Red Pill Movie to Houston this December.
Paul is bringing The Red Pill Movie to Houston this December.
Paul launches a weekly podcast and invites you to listen to the first episode.
Cathy Young wrote a review of The Red Pill Movie. Too bad she could not leave her condescending, dishonest judgments out of the text.
Paul discusses the feminist reaction The Red Pill Movie
An interview with Cassie Jaye, creator of The Red Pill documentary on men’s rights, with questions by Alison Tieman.
After traveling to New York to see Cassie Jaye’s documentary on the Men’s Human Rights Movement, Paul offers his take on the effort.
Justice for Men and Boys founder Mike Buchanan doing what he does so well.
Rape law and the double bind of Feminist theory
Jody Allard – a writer for Washington Post and Huffington Post is openly admitting to pushing one of her sons to suicide through feminist blackmail and bullying. All one has to do to notice that is to simply read her work. Lucian Vâlsan has done just that and the picture is terrifying. You can subscribe …
This is what feminism looks like. A complete and total fail.