[dropcap]M[/dropcap]any of you will know the name of Vladek Filler. Thanks in part to your help with drawing media attention to his case, and the fact that he was innocent, Filler was exonerated of the false rape charges against him.
He was, however, convicted falsely of assaulting his estranged wife, Ligia Filler, by putting a bruise on her arm. The court has scheduled Vladek’s sentencing hearing for August 10, 2011, at 9 am at Hancock County Superior Court in Maine, despite clear evidence that the assault conviction was based on fraud.
[box icon=”none”]I am asking for help from MRAs to make their voices heard concerning the fraud and abuse inflicted on Vladek Filler and his children by Ligia Filler, ADA Mary Kellett, DA Bassano, ADA Paul Cavanaugh, and the local legal establishment which is determined to severely punish an innocent man because he fought for the custody of his sons and because he has defied their corrupt actions against him.[/box]
Vladek’s attorney not only filed an appeal for the assault conviction but went further and filed a post-trial motion asking the judge to acquit Vladek or order a new trial based on evidence of Vladek’s innocence.
Vladek Filler Motion for New Trial
Included in the motion is just a few irrefutable facts proving that Filler was wrongfully convicted, based on the evidence. What the motion did not mention was that the original trial judge blocked a mountain of key evidence, including Police reports which explicitly stated that Ligia Filler changed her entire story days later after she materialized a fresh bruise on her arm. None of her prior transcribed statements about the incident were allowed at trial.
To date the judge has not ruled on the post-trial motion to acquit or set aside the conviction for a new trial. Instead the establishment is rushing to use the wrongful misdemeanor conviction to harshly punish Vladek before blatant fraud and evidence suppression gets reviewed by a higher court.
Simply put, Filler’s insistence on defending himself against lies and corruption has made him a liability to the system. They are pushing actively to put him in jail as quickly and quietly as possible.
[quote float=”right”]As Thomas Ball faced certain court abuse and jail at his upcoming hearing, on August 10, 2011, Vladek will face what is, on its face, political imprisonment.[/quote] Prosecutor Paul Cavanaugh will argue for Filler to receive the maximum prison sentence (1 year). Yes, that is a year in prison for allegedly putting a bruise on a known liar’s arm that did not appear for four days after the “incident.” The judge allowed Vladek to remain free pending appeal, but required a $50K surety bail stating that it was “due to the seriousness,” of the allegations against him. This treatment for a class D misdemeanor conviction with no prior record is unheard of.
The fix is in, people. They want to use this misdemeanor assault charge to make an example of Filler for speaking out; for filing a Bar Complaint against Kellett; for blowing the whistle on their crimes against men.
This is the same district and prosecutor (Paul Cavanaugh) who sought only 30 days in jail for a confessed female child molester.
Not only was she allowed to keep custody of her boys despite being convicted for molesting their friend, but the rationale used for her 30 day sentence was to allow her to be with the children.
No one seems to care that Vladek’s abused and traumatized sons will face more trauma and threats from both CPS and Ligia Filler if Vladek is imprisoned. Ligia Filler has a documented history of abusing her children. Officials saw her treatment of them as serious enough to award Vladek full custody despite the fact that he was being prosecuted for rape and assault.

But it gets even more insane in Salem Village. Filler was criminally charged with this fake assault solely by Ligia Filler’s over the phone complaint. That’s right, the police never even responded to the “scene of the crime.” They simply had a warrant issued for his arrest based on an allegation an alleged victim made on the telephone.
Evidence shows the police chief, Guy Wycoff, helped Ligia Filler concoct her story days later. By contrast, the police department and Kellett’s office refuse to allow criminal charges against Ligia Filler for well substantiated domestic abuse, harassment, or even for being caught by the police causing over $10,000 of theft and destruction to Vladek’s awarded property.
Instead, on August 10, Ligia Filler and the same strangers who coached her to cry to be more believable, and helped her destroy Vladek’s life and lives of his children, will be allowed to address the Court and call for his imprisonment. Ligia Filler will be allowed to make her demands for his punishment for a misdemeanor assault by using her absurd and false rape accusations. Vladek’s sentencing is being turned into a public stoning by the villagers.
The witch trials must end. As I write this, still another false sexual assault case is being readied for trial by Mary Kellett against another father desperately fighting for his children with his wife. And there is also the recent event that Kellett conned a woman in another case to not testify on behalf of her estranged husband by convincing her he had killed his first wife. That case was thrown out on Kellett’s misconduct when the judge found out what she did. More on both of these cases later.
But right now I am calling for help from MRAs to speak out against this gross abuse of due process and civil rights. As Thomas Ball faced certain court abuse and jail at his upcoming hearing, on August 10, 2011, Vladek will face what is, on its face, political imprisonment.
We need as many messages of support as possible before the sentencing hearing. The letters will be considered directly by the trial judge and will allow Vladek’s supporters to have direct access to the judge. We need people to call for Vladek’s acquittal or new trial. We need people to demand justice for Vladek and his children – not more abuse and imprisonment.
Respectful emails for Judge Robert Murray of the Hancock County Superior Court, who is presiding over the case, can be sent to free.vladek@gmail.com They will be forwarded to his office. You might also e-mail their letters to the local media and the Governor’s office.
[box type=”download” icon=”none”]Footnote: All AVfM Action Alerts may be distributed freely, with link back, to any website without advance permission.[/box]