Sex discrimination commissioner ignores men and boys.

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Sex Discrimination Commissioner ignores men and boys.

Details of an open letter have been released claiming Elizabeth Broderick, the National Sex Discrimination Commissioner, has failed to address concerns raised with her regarding disadvantage and sexism faced by men and boys in favor of advocacy predominantly for women.

The letter, compiled by Townsville doctor and International Men’s Day coordinator Dr. Greg Canning has also been forwarded to the Male Champions of Change, the group of prominent CEO’s and board members who worked with Ms. Broderick to elevate the representation of women in leadership positions within the business community. It is hoped these same influential men may encourage her to be more supportive of issues facing ordinary men and boys.

The poor educational performance of boys although recognized for decades, is not being adequately addressed, and is reflected in the declining rates of male enrollments and graduations from out tertiary institutions.

Whilst the introduction by the current Labor Government of the first Australian Male Health Policy in 2010 is applauded, much more needs to be done, especially to address men’s mental health, disproportionate rate of suicide, reduced life expectancy and bias in research funding.

Gender discrimination during separation, divorce, within the family court and the subsequent alienation of fathers and children is seen as a basic human and children’s rights issue that should rightly be championed by Ms. Broderick.  Dr. Canning believes that the trend toward fatherlessness is at the root of many Australia’s social ills.

Family violence is also a key area of concern in that strategies in Australia over many years have focused solely on “violence against women,” largely ignoring the one in three victims of family violence who are men.

Concerns are also raised about the misrepresentation of statistics relating to violence, and the concealing of the gender of the predominantly female perpetrators of child abuse for ideological and political reasons.

The letter has been endorsed by Jerome Teelucksingh, the founder of International Men’s Day, who joins the call for the Sex Discrimination Commissioner to advocate for International Men’s Day and publicize the event on the commissions web site, as it currently does for International Women’s Day.

Dr. Canning encourages interested Australians to contact their political representatives, and the sex discrimination commissioner to voice their concerns.

Read the full letter here:

News Release

2 May 2012


Dr. Greg Canning

Ph. 07 47255355

Mob. 0438349395



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