AVfM store open for business

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Thanks to the work of Alek’s Team, and your dedicated support of this website, AVfM is proud to announce the launch of an online store containing a growing line of AVfM merchandise. It will provide a much more efficient way to acquire our T-shirts, coffee mugs, bumper stickers, business cards, the AVfM patch and other products soon to come.

The store has full e-commerce functionality, so you will be able to easily order, pay for and track your purchases. While we will not make a fortune on these products, we hope they will provide an incentive for those making donations by making your support of this site an immediate win-win.

The system is new and has been tested, but there could be improvements to be made. If you notice anything not up to par, please let us know and we will try to improve it as soon as possible.

The product images are not the final professional images, but we will be bringing that up to speed in the near future as well.

As a side note here, we get a lot of suggestions for T-shirts. Please keep them coming by posting them in the comments. We have to choose carefully because every new design represents a significant investment. Also, if you would like to donate products like stickers, etc., we would be happy to add them to the line-up of products.

Needless to say, AVfM operational expenses have gone far past basic web hosting. The store will add a vital source of income to help us continue the work done here. You can visit the store here, or through the masthead and donation area to the right. As always, we thank you for support of avoiceformen.com, A Voice for Men Radio and Register-her.com. Here’s to adding more weapons to the arsenal in the days to come.


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