(Paul’s note: I have been working with Factory for some time on the conversion of MRm! Magazine to MenZ Magazine. Well, actually, I have talked a lot and he has done all the work. I suggested he run the editorial letter from the new issue, which you can now download directly from the sidebar on this very site, and others I am sure. So here it is.)
Welcome to the very first issue of MenZ magazine. Why the change from our previous iteration? Well, frankly we just didn’t see the need to limit ourselves to one subset of society. The concerns we have are Universal, and don’t only apply to those of us who live and breathe this stuff.
So, onward and (hopefully) upward we go!
What have we got in store for you this time? Well, if MRm! Issue 6 was a pistol, this inaugural issue of MenZ could be considered a double-barrel shotgun. Yup, the gloves are coming off, and as you will see inside, this means addressing some pretty taboo subjects. But I don’t want to give too much away.
As time goes on the growth of this magazine, and indeed the Mens Movement itself, is making it obvious that one man is not enough to do this for much longer. So, I am putting out a call for help.
Don’t worry, it’s easy stuff. I won’t go into it here though. Suffice it to say, I would like some emails from people (hint hint).
We also welcome Paul Elam to the masthead in the role of Contributing Editor. In addition to being the Editor of MND, and his own site A Voice For Men, Paul does some excellent videos that I highly recommend. Since Paul and I seem to share views on the Mens Movement, and the future, the fit has been quite natural. I look forward to working with him more in future.
So, without further ado, I present Issue 1 of MenZ Magazine.
I hope you like it.