In what is perhaps the most bizarre twist to false accuser Emma Sulkowicz’s—also known as “Mattress Girl”—tale of deception, dishonesty, and the public shaming of a false-accusation victim, recently news came to light that Miss Sulkowicz has created a graphic, very naked, and very-much pornographic recreation of rape.
Interestingly, she’s called it “performance art.” Yeah, sure.
This eight-minute “performance art” is little more than a guy squeezing her neck and slapping her while she moans “no, no,” as he shags her. In other words it’s your basic, run-of-the-mill porno.
Naturally, the video is generating some controversy, the least of all which stems from the disclaimer that comes beforehand, which states, in no uncertain terms, that if you watch the video—which she posted publicly—without her consent, then you are in fact participating in her rape.
Sheesh, it doesn’t take a whole lot to get a rape accusation out of this broad, does it?
As can be expected, the feminist propaganda networks are attempting to put as positive a spin on this as possible. These dishonest websites are posting positive coverage and, really, they’re digging deep to bullshit their way out of this one. Even the ones who aren’t painting this in a positive light are doing damage control. The following is the article title from
“Yes, Emma Sulkowicz Appeared in a Pornographic Art Video. Doesn’t Mean Much.”
With a title like the above, you can really see the desperation as the narrative crumbles around the feminist movement. Their hero—their iconic “mattress girl”—has made an eight-minute porn video. And so now, faced with this revelation, they must change all of their beliefs to conform around this unexpected occurrence and find some way of condoning—and even praising—rape porn, something that they would be railing against had it been anyone else who’d done it or if it had appeared in a video game.
I suppose the “art” part of her rape scene comes—no pun intended—from the rhetorical questions she asks after the trigger warning she posts. (Of course there’s a fucking trigger warning).
“Do you refuse to see me as either a human being or a victim? If so, why? Is it to deny me agency and thus further victimize me? If so, what do you think of the fact that you owe your ability to do so to me, since I’m the one who took a risk and made myself vulnerable in the first place?”
But let’s put that aside and focus on the content. It wouldn’t be fair to denigrate Emma’s porn movie just because she was so against rape in the past. Hey, I used to hate James Bond movies, and now I love them.
And so, that brings us to the movie itself: Emma’s first rape film. (Daddy must be so proud).
I’m not going to lie. While I appreciate her enthusiasm, there was a lot that got in the way of me enjoying her content. For starters, all the bullshit questions, trigger warnings (of course there’s a trigger warning) and down-scrolling it takes to access the video really kind of hinders my ability to enjoy the rape. Thankfully, the video can be accessed with minimal bullshit weighing it down.
Now, the camera angles need work. The guy they got for the film looks as though he’s not really happy to be doing this, but no one really watches porn for the male actor anyway so who cares. Let’s talk about Emma. In a nutshell, her performance was abysmal.
At no point was I convinced she was really being raped. Her shouts of “no” and “please” utterly failed to impress upon me that she was being raped and really took away from the overall immersion one would expect from a high-quality video.
The sound effects were cheap, and even with four cams it wasn’t very clear what was going on. You’d think after making so much money from falsely accusing a guy of rape, she’d be able to afford a decent fucking camera.
Overall, I’m going to give this one a 4/10
Decent breasts
Hilarious irony
Bonus points for putting feminists in an odd position
Terrible camera angles
Too much filler bullshit
Poor acting
You become a rapist by watching it (according to the creator)
I suggest giving this one a pass.