Student facing possible sex offender registry commits suicide

On the evening of Friday, September 27th in the small town of Harvest Alabama, a community of  just over 5,000 souls, a fifteen year old boy took off his clothes and ran naked across a football field where the Sparkman High School Senators were playing against a rival team in front of a large crowd. His friends cheered, old women blushed, young children pointed their fingers and asked “Mommy why is that kid running around naked?” leaving parents flustered while trying to hold back their laughter.  Someone had even recorded a video and placed it on Youtube. By the end of the night Christian Adamek had become legend by pulling a prank performed by countless pranksters before him on countless playing fields in front of countless millions in the past.

Last week, on Wednesday October 2nd, Christian hung himself and it was announced Friday morning in that he had died from his injuries.

Adamek’s suicide followed a public statement made by Sparkman High School Principal Mike Campbell  on Tuesday of last week to WHNT News 19, the local Television Station, in which he stated the incident could bring Adamek  major repercussions. Adamek had been disciplined by the school district, though details of that discipline were not made public, and he faced legal charges. School administrators recommended that Adamek have a hearing in the Madison County court system to determine if formal charges would be filed, WHNT reported. “There’s the legal complications,” Campbell told the news station. “Public lewdness and court consequences outside of school with the legal system, as well as the school consequences that the school system has set up.”

The “legal complications” Campbell was referring to included having to register as a sex offender.

When asked if this was nothing more than a simple prank Campbell responded: “This situation was totally different, something not related to that at all.”

Adamek’s sister indicated on Twitter that her brother was facing expulsion.

The publicizing of his troubles with the school and the legal system were orchestrated by Campbell before any legal hearings were scheduled and shortly after administrative actions by school officials.  It is not known now to what extent the family had been involved in preliminary hearings or to what extent they were even informed at all about the length to which Campbell would take the case before he spoke to the local press.

Campbell is new to the school, having only started work there on July 1st.  However, he has been in secondary education for over thirty years with most of that time being spent in Fairfax County, Virginia.  He started in athletics coaching basketball, football and girls softball before going into administration.  Last year he left Centerville High School, a large school in Northern Virginia given high marks by the Virginia Department of Education. It was the second ranked school in Virginia by Newsweek in 2011.

“Redditor”AndrewLevin posted the original story from on r/MensRights Friday shortly after it was published.  “Feminists will never wash the ocean of blood that they have on their hands. I remember Chris as a little boy. Like many little boys these days, Chris was born with two strikes against him: (1) He was a boy, and (2) his battery was too big for his body. Too much energy, too much masculinity, the perfect feminist scapegoat,” he said in the comments.

Comments on’s original story share AndrewLevin’s rage.  Some are calling for a mass streaking during the next football game and others are already publicizing details for future school board elections, coming up in November, upcoming hearings and contact info.

One poster compiled the following:

Next School Board Meeting at Sparkman High: November 4th, 2013. 6:00PM Cafeteria
Sparkman High Principal: Mike Campbell (256) 837-0331,
District 4 School Board Commisioner: David Vess (256) 726-8843,
Madison County School Board Public Relations:
Geraldine Tibbs (256) 852-2557 x1263,

AVFM will be reporting on activism developments.

Editorial note:  FTSU

Publishers note: For whatever reason, WHNT News has apparently removed their coverage of this boy’s suicide. The link provided is to the Google cache of the article, which has been saved to .pdf and will be available here if and when the article disappears from cache. PE

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