Post-US Election Update

It starts little, and then it grows, and grows, and grows…

A few weeks ago we issued an action alert calling upon volunteers from the A Voice for Men community to help out with a joint project with the Judicial Accountability Committee and the National Coalition for Men. And boy did you guys deliver. We were inundated with so many volunteers to help we actually had to turn people away or set them on “alternative” or “standby” status!

We and our group of volunteers gathered the names, phone numbers, FAX numbers, and email addresses of literally hundreds of people who were running for office to alert them to the cases of serial false accuser Tiffany Marie Smith in Delaware, corrupt prosecutor Mary Kellett and her entire office in Maine, and about the child abusing Judge Lori B. Jackson of Harrison County West Virginia. Gathering the information volunteers were able to provide, Paul Elam, myself, John the Other, Harry Crouch from the National Coalition for Men, and others were able to produce the following letters that were delivered to damn near a thousand candidates who were running for office in these three states of the US. Depending on which state they were running in, they all got copies one of these three letters:

Letter to Delaware-Candidates



In each case they were contacted politely, wished well in the upcoming election, and encouraged to make a statement about the case. We expected most to politely decline to make a statement, and most did, although a few responded, some ambivalently and some with cautiously positive words. We did not honestly expect more than that, since the men’s movement is still growing and unknown by most people, and we are frequently horrifically slandered by those who do know us. One of our missions is to make sure that changes. While the Frankenstorm coincidentally hit those states in the leadup to the election causing a distraction, we know we got the direct attention of many of them and many others who’ve now been elected will at least know who we are, and we know for a fact that some of them are already talking to their fellows about it (because they told us so). We’ll be in a position to approach more of those who actually were elected after the new legislative sessions begin next year.

Yes, that’s right folks, the violent kitten-eating terroristic Men’s Rights Movement has done that most dangerous, radical, and subversive of all things: petitioned public officials for a redress of grievances, and encouraged people to vote in the elections. (Minor side note: in my own home state of Michigan, a candidate for the Michigan Supreme Court who is known for working tirelessly to free men who are falsly accused was elected to the Supreme Court, and another judge who was endorsed by the leadership of a local Father’s Rights groups was elected to a circuit court bench. The winds of change are in the air, and the times, they are a’changin’, my friends.)

While a number of our volunteers choose to remain anonymous, we wish to acknowledge the efforts made by Suzanne McCarlely, Clarence Woodworth, Geoff Stone, Raz, Scott Jackson, Al Martin, Andy Blitzer, Coldfire, Palemale, Paul Elam, Harry Crouch, John Hembling, Keisha Post, Tara Palmatier, Gordon Finley, Greg Canning, Karen Straughn, Roy Den Hollander, Robert O’Hara, James Huff, Kristina Hansen, and all those other volunteers who prefer to remain anonymous but were willing to step up to the plate and help FTSU.

Thank you all and look forward to further political action updates as the new year begins.

It starts little, and then it grows, and grows, and grows…

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