Male Victims Are Funny?
Marginalizing male victims on college campuses.
Publishing here for the first time on the internet, Lester Ward’s 1888 essay about the superiority of women is bound to cause some facepalming.
We continue Dr. Frank Tallis’s survey of romantic love with Part-2 – which looks into the origin and evolution of men placing women on pedestals
AVfM welcomes 17 year old Josh O’Brien, who has already figured out that the “Patriarchy” myth of privileging men over women is, well, a myth. When youngsters are already figuring it out for themselves, we have hope that this hateful notion will die within our lifetimes.
John Stuart Mill published his Subjection of Women in 1869, writing that the State should take over the role of male chivalry. It appears his gynocentric vision has come true.
Seeing yourself as a Republican or a Democrat is where the trouble starts. If you are either, you are part of the problem.
Feminism seeks a perpetual increase of both the power and rights of women without any accompanying responsibilities – this isn’t news. However it may surprise readers to learn this scam has been going on for well over 100 years.
Is criminal justice used as a pretext for promoting men’s subordination to women?
There has been a recent rash lately of feminists going public to talk about how they are working on men’s issues and have been all along. And of course they still maintain the tired old canard that dismantling a patriarchy that does not exist is the answer. Get real, says Dr. Greg Canning.
Briffault’s law was never meant to be applied to humans