Goal Progress: $515 of $500
Fundraiser is now closed
Addendum: The fundraiser was only online for a few hours and the goal has already been reached! Thank you all so much for your responsive, enthusiastic support! You can stay up to date on KSUM developments on MarZ. Your contributions will go to the development of better representation for men and boys on college campuses.
My name is Sage Gerard. You know me as Victor Zen. I am an IT specialist, an entrepreneur, and a human rights activist that specializes in the issues faced by fathers and sons in modern society. There are people who hate me for what I stand for, but I’m proud of what I am, and I think anyone else who cares about decency, compassion, and fundamental human rights for all should be proud, too.
I am organizing a men’s group on the gynocentric Kennesaw State University called KSU Men (KSUM), and I need your help promoting it. Promotion is the next step to getting officers, members and the remaining petition signatures needed to propose the student organization for approval by committee.
KSU allows organizers to set up a 6’x3′ table exactly two times for events.
The first event will take place at the Commons, a popular cafeteria. The second event will be held in the social sciences building, home of KSU gender studies. A timeline will be set when materials are in order.

Risks Worth Taking
KSUM’s survival can be threatened by administrative intervention, feminist co-option and student protest. But there are signs of MHRA life on campus, and we have to try to reach those who are passionate about our cause. Still, the fundraiser has been kept small to minimize potential loss. Even if KSUM is denied a place on campus, MHRAs everywhere will benefit from watching what happens. KSUM is not just a organization, it is a transparent experiment with results that matter. Your voice needs to be heard in a discussion on building an organization that men and boys deserve. KSUM is not just for KSU students, it’s for all of us. It’s for you. During the promotion, I will be reporting from a live Twitter feed. Updates on the KSUM’s growth will be reported on MarZ or KSUM’s blog.
Prices rounded to the nearest dollar:
- 250 two-sided color handouts [Front][Back]. $165 (Quote from local printer).
- A custom tablecloth to make the table easy to spot. $220 (Verbal quote from same print shop).
- A GOPRO 2 chest mount. Frees hands to work with paper. This is also less annoying than pointing a phone camera at people at all times. The mount makes the camera harder to grab or break in case someone decides to get physical. $40.
- Petrol, shipping and processing fees: $75
Total: $500
I will provide records of purchases to prove funds are being used as shown on MarZ.
I will be monitoring the funds donated and when the $500.00 goal is attained I will disable the donation button in this post and add an addendum announcing that the goal has been reached.
I risk taking one for the team in order to provide live data on the pragmatics of organizing MHRAs in an academic environment. Should there be any problems, MHRAs will learn from them as much as I will.
We all have skin in this game. Both you and the men you love need representation. If you have $5 or $10 to spare, consider contributing to the promotion of KSU Men via Paypal. Note that these donations are not tax-deductible.
With your support, we can organize MHRAs on KSU. I cannot guarantee any particular outcome, but I do know we will not be left empty-handed, and we will not be silenced without a fight.