Robert St. Estephe–Gonzo Historian–is dedicated to uncovering the forgotten past of marginalizing men. “Gonzo journalism” is characterized as tending “to favor style over fact to achieve accuracy.” Yet history – especially “social history” – is written by ideologues who distort and bury facts in order to achieve an agenda. “Gonzo” writing is seen as unorthodox and surprising. Yet, in the 21st century subjectivity, distortion and outright lying in non-fiction writing is the norm. Fraud is the new orthodoxy. Consequently, integrity is the new “transgressive.”
Welcome to the disruptive world of facts, the world of Gonzo History.
[FULL TEXT]: Whether it is not wasting the money of the taxpayers trying women for murder in cases where the so-called unwritten law can be evoked is the subject of comment throughout the country. The discussion centers upon the recent acquittal of Miss Olivia Stone, the Cincinnati nurse, who shot a former corporation counsel of that city because she alleged he had failed to keep his promise to marry her.

If the law making deliberate murder a capital offense is to be suspended in the discretion of juries, when the assassin is a woman, it would be better for the cause of justice, and it would make law more respectable, specifically to exempt from any punishment women who murder their paramours. Such travesties of justice as this help to give fresh impetus to the crime wave.”
It is pointed out by the BROOKLYN EAGLE that “we no longer stage a purely judicial proceeding for the trial of a woman accused of murdering a man from whom she has suffered real or fancied wrong. Instead we stage a melodrama, with the defendant as the persecuted heroine and the dead men as the villain.” The EAGLE points out that while the judge may try to hold the scales of justice even, acquittal is certain, and adds:—”Perhaps one of the earmarks of our civilization is our frank recognition of the fact that law can be made to mean one thing for a man and an entirely different thing for a woman,” Which brings from the Worcester TELEGRAM the suggestion that “juries of normally hardboiled males continue to view crimes through a glamor of romance, chivalry and sympathy, set the seal of their approval upon homicidal endeavor and bid the law, instead of the defendant, go hang,” while the Columbus, Ohio, STATE JOURNAL, sarcastically remarks that “the acquittal is in strict accordance with the exact terms of the unwritten law and we trust will give added impetus to the movement among our girls in their pursuit of happiness to arrange to be deceived and then shoot.”
The fact that the verdict, like all of its kind was, after all, “against society,” is pointed out by the Pittsburgh, Pa., GAZETTE TIMES, which feels convinced that “Americans do not believe in the unwritten law, as commonly defined; they do not believe in private vengeance, the forgiveness of which by a jury amounts to usurpation of authority by twelve men whose sole duty is to determine the facts of a case. Justice for society demands that the criminal courts function legitimately.” And in this specific case, the Danville, Va., REGISTER, points nut. there was no evidence only by Miss Stone herself that she had been wronged by Kinkead and adds: “even if he had deceived the woman as she claims, does that justify her in shooting him down?” And acquittals of this character naturally will have the effect of encouraging women to slay the Lafayette, Ind., JOURNAL-COURIER believes, and “thus is murder in a “love nest given a place among the favorite indoor “ports of the day.”
The jurors may have had some justification for their verdict in the opinion of the Richmond, Va., TIMES DISPATCH, which points out that “the evidence in this case had revealed to them a defenseless young woman, her betrayal and subsequent relentless hounding by a man who led a Jekyll-Hyde existence, her humiliation and desperation—then the fatal meeting.
That was the picture impressed upon the minds of the jurors, and, right or wrong, the verdict they gave is the verdict we may expect to continue hearing in eases of this sort.”
Which prompts the Savannah, Ga., NEWS to suggest that in view of the imposition of a seven and a half years imprisonment on Gussia Human in a New York court for perjury at her lover’s trial for murder and the acquittal of Miss Stone “the truth may be that the greater the crime the less likelihood of punishing, the woman in the case.” And the Richmond, Ind., ITEM, feels convinced that “it has got to a point where almost any woman can be sure of acquittal for killing a man. All she has to do is to throw hysterics and shed tears in court and her conviction is seemingly impossible.”
The Port Huron, Mich., TIMES HERALD, feel that “one may have unlimited sympathy for the wife who kills the woman who steals) her husband, and may find plenty of excuses for the man who shoots his friend for violating the honor of his wife, but (here is considerable question whether it is a wise method of administering justice, although too often the punishment may ho well deserved.”
The economic phase of the situation furnishes a strong appeal to the editor of the Worcester, Mass., GAZETTE, who sarcastically declares that “taxes are high; government is expensive, let’s save hundreds of dollars and much nerve force. When a lady pulls her trusty gat and perforates her sweetheart don’t arrest her. Save time and money and wear and tear. Besides, this plan would enable the killer to get on the stage or in the movies within a day or two after the killing.” The very fact that there are so few, by comparison, killings by women leads the Cleveland NEWS to call attention to the fact that “it may be said the nature of American women is demonstrated as being generally and notably kind, patient and peaceable by the fact that murderesses are not more numerous in a country where it always is an open season for man hunting by women.”
[Daily Editorial Digest – Resume of American and Foreign Opinion, “Woman – And Her Right To Kill,” syndicated, Appleton Post-Crescent (Wi.), Apr. 19, 1922, p. 4]