Who was Alois Dvorzak?

A haunting piece broadcast very recently by Channel 4 News, not a programme with a reputation for showing much concern for men, to put it mildly:

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QQ-7GFkh5X0?list=UUKhX1c3ow6BrzdzP3ydpeZQ&w=750&h=420]

Would the authorities ever treat an elderly woman with Alzheimer’s Syndrome so inhumanely? The question hardly needs to be asked, the answer’s so obvious. Men are officially treated as sub-human in Britain today – even when they’re not British, as in this tragic case. The same is true for men in many countries, and unless we act – and act soon – things are surely going to get even worse. And that’s why you should make it to the Detroit conference (27/28 June) if you possibly can. I hope to meet you there. It’s going to be a landmark event – Mike Buchanan

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