Documentary to be filmed on MHRM, AVFM

We are now approaching the halfway mark of the year that I promised you would bring unprecedented growth to the MHRM. So far, that is exactly what is happening. I am tempted to give you a review of the last six months, but I really don’t have time for it.
Besides, the future still holds enough goodies that we don’t have time to reminisce.
I have been contacted by a film production company. They intend to produce a documentary on the men’s human rights movement, focusing on A Voice for Men, key contributors to the site, and you, the readers, should you want to participate.
I can already hear a lot of people screaming “Watch out! Hit piece!” I don’t think this is one, and we are moving forward – which we would do anyway for the standard reasons.
An email has just been sent out to the production company introducing them to JTO, Dean Esmay, NCFM President Harry Crouch, Tom Golden, TyphonBlue, GWW and Erin Pizzey, all of whom have agreed to participate in the film.
We are not releasing any information on the production company for obvious reasons. So, not to put too fine a point on it, don’t ask.
This announcement is also a call out to you. A film crew will be traveling the United States for this and filming in various locations. They have requested that site followers, those who identify as MHRAs, also participate to tell their stories of why they became involved with AVFM and the MHRM.
We have discussed the issue of anonymity and they have agreed to protect the identity of those who wish to appear in the film anonymously.
If you read and participate regularly or semi-regularly at this site, live in the US, and want to participate please shoot me an email to
This is a very exciting development potentially exposing a great many more people to the MHRM. It could be a very powerful agent for positive change in our society in the struggle to secure justice as it relates to the sexes.

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