Feminism, Gynocentrism and the Future Matriarchal Gynocracy: The Different Types of Societies and the Feminist Zero Sum Game (Part one)

This is part one of a two part article by Yoav Levin in which he gives an introduction to his work on gynocentrism and related topics. Part two will be published on A Voice for Men in the near future. Yoav is working on several books as he extends this work. Yoav will shortly be publishing two works: The Last Taboo and The Origin of European Gynocentrism. –Ed

First of all let’s determine in anthropological terms the different types of societies in human history:

A) Matriarchal society: This is a society where both political, as well as informal power, is primarily in the hands of women. This type of society has never existed.

B) Patriarchal Society: This is a society where both the informal as well as the formal political power is in the hands of men. This type of society has also never existed.

C) Gynocentric society:

It is divided into:

  1. Matrilineal: This society is one where either the inheritance or finances are almost solely distributed as well as family or religious lineage is based upon the mother. It is a power dynamic which basically reflects female informal power while the political formal power still stays in the hands of men. Therefore, informal and formal power is shared between men and women. The Mosuo in China and Judaism (especially in terms of religion as well as national lineage) are two examples.

  2. Matrilocal: This society is one where the husband moves in with the wife’s family after marriage. Informal and formal political power is shared between men and women. There are a few such societies especially in the east (Tibet and India).

  3. Matrifocal: This society is one where the mother and kids make the family unit, and the father plays a lesser role. Informal and formal political power is still shared between men and women.

  4. Patrilineal: this is a society where either inheritance or financial redistribution of resources as well as the familial or religious lineage is primarily determined by the father. Informal and formal political power is shared between men and women. Historically, various patrilineal aspects were always included in all Gynocentric societies to balance the distribution of power between the sexes and to enable both a more harmonious society as well as relationships and marriages.

  5. Patrifocal: This is a society where the husband with the children is the focus of family and the wife is less important. This type of society has also particularly never existed as it goes against the gynocentric nature of all primates including the human species.

  6. Patrilocal: This is a society where the wife moves with the husband. Informal and formal political power is shared between men and women.

So going by accepted anthropological definitions, there is no known instances either today or in the past of any matriarchal or patriarchal society. There are merely examples of gynocentric matrilineal, matrilocal, matrifocal, patrilineal as well as patrilocal societies, but they are not the same thing.

The reasons why societies were defined in this or other ways were normally:

  1. Evolution
  2. Survival
  3. Economical Scarcity and better survival in terms of economic planning and distribution of wealth
  4. Balancing formal and informal power between men and women in relationships and society

Truth vs Myths

The History of Human Power Dynamics, Relations and Interactions in Society

Unlike the gigantic myths we’ve heard and the massive lies we’ve been told by feminists, when it comes to basic rights both in ancient history as well as in medieval times neither men nor women had any of them (or at least almost none). However, even in those times as we will see immediately if there was anything to gain for the poor masses of society it weas mainly women, not men, who could benefit and enjoy it. Yet, on the other side, when it comes to human rights like having the right to education, the right to vote and running businesses, it was women gaining them long before men could have dreamt of. Moreover, even during the colonial days of the US, women were groundbreaking in journalism and advertising. In the Encyclopedia of Women in American History we learn that the first person to ever own a printing press in 1638 was not a man but a woman. Her name was Elizabeth Glover of Cambridge MA. Additionally, there were also already 25 other women who ran newspapers and presses plus another 26 cases where a woman opened up her own firm with her own money. When we read further down, we also find out that a woman named Mary Katherine Goddard was chosen to be the first person to even print out the first copy of the Declaration of Independence of the US. Does this sound much like a patriarchal or even a patrilineal society to you? I don’t think so! All of this just shows and helps us not only to refute some of the massive lies we’ve been fed by feminist bureaucrats, officials, teachers, governments, schools and the mainstream media but it also enables us to demonstrate one of the basic principles of the matrifocal gynocentric society namely that not only that women are the privileged sex, not only that the society revolves around women but that they also always come before men and even prior to children. Consider for example that in a case of birth complications it is the mother but not the child that would be saved. Yes, I know, it is evolutionary feature of biological gynocentrism. Yes, I know, it is required for survival. Yet, it only emphasizes our observation that our society is neither patriarchal nor patrifocal but basically gynocentric and matrifocal.

The Right to Vote: Women Come First

As a part of their campaign of hatred, vindictiveness and incitement and in order to demonize and dehumanize men, one of the biggest lies and greatest myths spread by feminists on the basis of a selective, false and manipulative analysis of history is the infamous claim that men have exploited and oppressed women throughout history, denying them the right to vote while men lived a luxurious life and enjoyed every moment. As we have already seen above this is a not only false but an evil lie spread by feminist propaganda. Now, let’s examine and scrutinize this lie a little bit more. First, we should note that these lies are at the basis of the war of on men, boys and fathers. As part of joint state – feminist cooperation, this war is led by women’s organizations and is supported by governmental institutions that discriminate against men and boys in favor of girls and women. As we will see, men never oppressed, exploited or deprived women of the right to vote or allegedly any other right. Men simply lacked the power, rights and financial resources to do so. As women do today, men have also never abandoned them in the struggle for human and civil rights.

However, today as women embody the most privileged class in society, they misuse and abuse their power and abandon men who fought for it. Through the feminist war on men they attempt to take the matrifocal and gynocentric society and to establish a matrifocal gynocracy which is, in fact, nothing more than a tyrannical gynocentric matriarchy. Here it is important to note, as we shall see immediately, that until the 20th century no one had the right to vote. It wasn’t a matter of gender but rather of status. In practical terms, as explained below, women were given the right to vote before men. Especially those men who were sent into two world wars, without having a say about their destiny while women being safe at home could vote and send men to their deadly fate. Let’s look at the timeline of American history as an example of this dynamic which basically reflects again the matrifocal and gynocentric principle of putting women’s needs, rights and desires above those of everyone else which among other is also a derivative and an historical heritage of medieval chivalry and gynocentrism :

  1. 1600 – women own businesses and assets
  2. By 1867 most men could not vote due to property laws ensuring that only affluent men could have the voting right
  3. 1870 The 15th Amendment of the US Constitution eliminates restrictions based on race/color regarding elections in the US
  4. 1900 Property laws ensure that all women who own property can have voting rights
  5. 1918 Men and women can vote – certain property laws still exist
  6. 1920 Property laws are eliminated – the right to vote for everyone

Here, we should first bear in mind that women actually owned businesses from the middle Ages. As we have mentioned above already by the 17th century women were the first to own the printing and press businesses in the United States. It was long before the average man could dream of this. This data refutes the feminist lies about the discrimination and oppression of women by men or any imaginary patriarchy. It proves that being a (stay at home) mother, having a family or alternatively choosing a career were personal choices made by women. They were not oppressed, exploited, forced to do so by an evil patriarchy or ever abused by men. In fact, long before men had any economic or political rights, women were already in positions of economic, political as well as societal power, they were influencing public opinion through the press and the advertising tools they owned, while the only right men had at that time was to be sent to wars, be slaughtered on the battlefields, to serve as cannon fodder for women, and to return home in pieces.

Women also inherited the husbands wealth so that not only half of the husband’s money and resources, as we will see below, but up to 70% were in the hands of women. Even though women did not work for it! As I said and will elaborate in detail in the next paragraphs women in the early 20th century also controlled between 70 to 80 percent of the nation’s wealth – something that is true even today in “patriarchal India”! It is also important to remember that during the colonial period, prior to the establishment of the American federation, the vote was reassigned to the head of the family in most states in the US. Women, as well as men, had no voting rights in the original 13 colonies, but it was only because of the original British voting system that required ownership of land and assets to be able to vote in elections, which did not exist for most poor and average men too. Thus, even men who did not own land and assets were not allowed to vote in the United States. However, if the man was not available for voting for any reason, then the woman would vote for him. In addition, whether there were no male heirs and the woman inherited the property or vice versa she actually had her own property without having the need to inherit it (as we have seen this was possible already from the 17th century), she could have voted as the owner of the property too. As more and more colonies (and territories) joined the Union, they automatically granted women the right to vote. In the amendment concerning universal suffrage, the Fifteenth Amendment to the 1870 Constitution, there were more women in the United States who had the right to vote than men. This is also most probably reflected in the electoral system of the US elections that presumably evolved from the family level to the communal one. Moreover, it should be also noted that feminists opposed the right to vote for men and in general for all minorities including women for purely racist reasons. The origin of modern feminism is in the American Ku Klux Klan. Based on the WKKK ideal feminists were in favor of the right to vote but solely for white women.

Those who initiated the change were all conservatives but not liberals (including the feminists). Therefore, the right to vote for women is not the result of the feminist struggle, but rather the continuation of the conservative fight for civil rights for everyone. Women were given the right to vote before most of the men were given this right as a part of this struggle.

From here we can learn and draw a number of conclusions:

  1. The right to vote for women was guaranteed even before the feminist movement was established and allegedly began to fight for the right to vote.

  2. Women, as well as men, did not receive the right to vote because of the partisan activity of the feminist movement that promoted selective rights for women (and not for the entire population) but it was good men who fought for the right to vote (as well as many other civil rights) for everyone including women.

  3. (Affluent) Women received the right to vote before the majority of (poor) men.

  4. At the time of the 15th Amendment of the American Constitution, more women than men had the right to vote and later most women and men received the right to vote together

  5. Women worked and therefore owned businesses long before the twentieth century and the emergence of the feminist movement. This also isn’t the result of a feminist struggle.

  6. Similar to Europe, where the process was spread over a period of several decades and at the same time, the right to vote for women as well as men were not established by feminists but was granted to everyone as a part of a wider struggle for human and civil rights for everyone. A struggle led by men and not by feminists. In two bloody war men who were sent to their death by affluent women (who could already vote) paid the price for those human and civil rights with their own life. It was not women.

To sum it up: Although men never abandoned women and always treated them like everyone else in the struggle for civil rights, women’s organizations today have uncovered their true face. Today, women have betrayed men as well as the agreement and social contract that existed between the sexes so now when men demand true equality – in parenthood, career, work, health, law, recognition of their contribution to society and their suffering – women and especially feminists have stabbed them in the back. Today women are not fighting for equality, but for privileged status in society and female supremacy.

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