Warning: This video is likely Not Safe for Work, and is disturbing.
I first spotted this video as a Facebook video, though I have since seen it in several other spots on the internet, including Liveleak, who obviously obtained it from somewhere else. It has appeared and disappeared from several places on the ‘net; when we tried to put it up on YouTube, YouTube instantly struck it down as violating “community standards.”
While I normally tend to think YouTube is a little arbitrary and sometimes draconian about what they remove, in this case I can see why they’d want to remove it; we do after all here see a boy as he’s sexually assaulted and molested by an adult woman, to the huge entertainment of a bullying, out of control crowd. The boy is obviously trying to go along with good humor, fear-grin plastered across his face, but as things progress it’s obvious he’s being humiliated, shamed, and disturbed over sexual behavior he doesn’t fully understand, and being mocked the whole time for it. I don’t think I’ll ever forget the look on his face as the camera finally cuts away.
I had some struggles with knowing whether we should put this on A Voice for Men, and there was much discussion amongst the editorial staff about whether we should put this up. In the end, I decided that it’s already been seen on enough internet sites that there’s no hiding it, and there’s a greater purpose to showing this to people, and making sure we have our own copy so it can’t be lost down the internet memory hole. This is now on our server, where it will stay, permanently, as a news reporting item.
A woman sexually assaulted and molested a little boy in public while people laughed and filmed it. This happened:
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mejs.download-file: http://archive.avoiceformen.com/video/FemalePaedophileSexual.mp4?_=1Now the fact of the matter is, as most in the Men’s Human Rights Movement know, female-on-male sexual predation is far, far more prevalent than almost anyone in the wider society wants to believe. Female sexual predation of children is also far more common than most people believe; crime stats don’t reflect it because women are rarely arrested or prosecuted for it in all but the most blatant and obvious cases–and even things like this appear not to be “blatant and obvious” to a public that is often completely unable to see anything lacking a penis as a sexual threat.
But sexual assault, child molestation, and child abuse is exactly what this video is.
We don’t know who these people are in this video. I don’t think we need to. I think we need to watch this, and listen to that crowd howling with laughter and encouragement as this little boy does his best to smile and go along with the “joke” but finally can’t take it anymore and his true emotions begin to show on his face… and this was so “funny” people actually recorded it and put it out.
If anyone doubts that female sex predators are far more common than generally believed, I still strongly recommend reading When Women Sexually Abuse Men: The Hidden Side of Rape, Stalking, Harassment, and Sexual Assault by Philip W. Cook and Tammy L. Hodo. You may also want to listen to our extensive interview with Philip W. Cook.
The fact is that women sexually abuse men, as well as children, at rates orders of magnitude higher than almost anyone in society wants to believe. Law enforcement is oblivious to it. Popular entertainment and everyday “rape and sexual assault awareness” campaigns would have you believe that the sexual predator almost always wears a male face.
But the sexual predator doesn’t have a male face. Sexual assault is not a gendered issue. It’s a human issue.
Well, it is if you think little boys are human, anyway.
By the way, is it worth mentioning that at least three different studies–on which there has been no followup for decades–have shown that between 60 and 80% of male rapists were sexually abused by a woman in childhood?
Nah. Probably no point. That would again involve seeing men and women as equally human and vulnerable and predatory. And we can’t have that.