The success of #Brexit may help men

#Brexit is the campaign to persuade the British electorate to vote to get the United Kingdom out from the European Union on June 23, 2016, on the scheduled in-out referendum.

The issue of #Brexit has been “traditionally” associated with the political Right since, in the last 15 or so years, it was mostly the UK Independence Party campaigning for it. But the issue itself is not really Rightist in nature (and not really Leftist in nature, either). Back in the days of Margaret Thatcher, it was the traditional constituency of the Left arguing against EEC/EU membership – and even today there is a growing movement within the political Left that puts out the Left-Wing case for #Brexit.

Just like the cause of Men’s Rights, the cause of #Brexit transcends partisan political divides and there are at least two big reasons for which individuals who care about men’s rights should consider backing the #Brexit campaign.

  1. Feminist and politically correct influence

While it is indeed true that there is a seemingly never-ending stream of local ideologues in positions of power that do wreck absolute havoc for men in Britain (just think of Jess Phillips as an example) – it is also true that part of the problems that men face today in Britain and the other 27 members of the Bruxellian Block are inflicted by the remote, unaccountable and barely visible bureaucracy in the Belgian capital city.

A couple of examples are in order.

The EU controls several areas of the economy – and one of these areas is fishing, through the Common Fisheries Policy (CFP) which, at least in theory, is supposed to set quotas for which Member States are allowed to catch what amounts of each type of fish, as well as encouraging the fishing industry through various market interventions.

That’s the theory. In practice, the CFP is everything the bureaucracy wants it to be and, these days, it wants the CFP to be a tool for feminist activism through the committee’s “concern” over the role of women in fisheries[PDF]. For now, the goal to compel all businesses (including small family businesses) to have 40 or 50% female employees (which would amount to forcing a family business to employ another female and take the wife on the boat) has been rejected by the Council of the EU (or the Council of Ministers as it’s colloquially known).

However, the Juncker Commission made it clear since its installation in mid 2014 that they will “step up for gender equality” – which, translated into normal English, means that the Commission will attempt to turn this into a directive and thus subvert even the tiny amount of democratic pretense that exists in the Council of Ministers.

For those unfamiliar – a directive is a decision imposed by the college of commissioners (28 of them) that is to be enacted by all 28 countries without any appeal. The commissioners are not accountable to anyone, and the electorate has no way of removing them.

Even if the Commission doesn’t act, in 2017 and 2018 will gradually enter into force the new provisions of the CAP (the Common Agricultural Policy) which will see small businesses (not just in fisheries, but all agriculture-related sectors) being compelled to fill out forms to explain to Brussels why they don’t have “gender equality” in their tiny farms.

This kind of insanity hits straight into the poorest men in the rural areas who are trying to make an honest living on their own land.

Another example is the (in)famous European Framework for Promotion of Tolerance (EFPT), covered here back in 2013. It’s still on the table. Following a massive backlash, the Barroso Commission swept it under the rug, but, with the current Commission’s “commitment to gender equality” (read: commitment to feminist agitprop), it would be quite surprising if this monstrosity won’t be attempted again by 2018.

For those unfamiliar with the EFPT, one of its provisions is that 14-year-olds who express an anti-feminist position in school are to be considered absolute bigots to be sent to “undergo a rehabilitation programme designed to instill in them a culture of tolerance” (Section 7b, EFPT). Now combine that with the already existing policies meant to “prevent radicalization” which see 15-year-olds questioned by the police for the crime of looking at legal and legitimate political parties websites.

So, while the EU is not the only source of misandric garbage in law and policies, it certainly is a relevant factor, and the success of #Brexit will remove that. Not having some of your laws written by the Swedish feminists of the United Nordic Green Left is, quite simply, a good thing in and of itself.

  1. Local control

There are quite a sizeable amount of men’s issues that either cannot be addressed at all or can barely be addressed as long as the EU is as it is now, namely heavily skewed towards believing any Feminist claptrap.

For instance, even if MRAs were to hold a majority in the Parliament and seize control of the budget of the United Kingdom and would choose to no longer fund misandric “research” – this still would not stop the leak of taxpayer funds (mostly paid by men) into such agitprop research.

The reason is the fact that a significant chunk of these activities are not decided in the United Kingdom – but in Brussels.

Take for instance the “Agile Nation 2” project currently going on in Wales, which is 80% Brussels-funded and is aimed exclusively to create disloyal competition in the market favoring women to the detriment of men.

The European Social Fund is an entire instrument that is disproportionately focused on favoring women over men using mostly Brussels-commended funds and, of course, UK tax pounds (again, disproportionately paid by men).

We could go on like this for another 20 thousand words, and we would barely scratch the surface. There are thousands upon thousands of such initiatives whose primary purpose is to create employment for feminist ideologues and secondary purpose to help women over men.

The EU shows no signs of attempting to steer away from such a focus. As a result, as long as Britain is part of the EU, some of these things cannot get better – even if Mike Buchanan were to become Prime Minister tomorrow and J4MB were to have 400 seats in the House of Commons.

#Brexit presents a very good opportunity to start making some of these things better.

Why this matter for non-British individuals

The outcome of this referendum is of relevant importance in many regards, both for the other 27 countries inside the EU, but also for the world at large.

But, strictly from a men’s rights perspective, a potential win of the #Brexit campaign can have positive ripple effects across the continent.

If the #Brexit campaign wins this referendum, there’s already signs that this will incentivise similar campaigns (e.g. Czexit). Now, that doesn’t mean that similar campaigns necessarily have to be successful. But it does mean that the emergence of similar campaigns would put additional pressure on Brussels to reform itself. Once that happens, it’s open season for demands that are now politically unassailable.

For instance, MRAs could individually team-up with various groups to get the EU completely out from the curricula of our children – which is currently being stealthily shaped into a feminist-minded form that is already rubbing feathers the wrong way with parents in France, Italy, Poland, Hungary or Spain.

Once a demand like “reform or disintegrate” can indeed carry some weight (and it could, should the #Brexit campaign win), non-feminists across the remaining 27-countries block could start pushing back with a lot bigger success rate.

Also, let’s not forget the countries that are not in the EU but are inextricably related to the EU – especially Serbia, Norway, and Switzerland, except the latter has its own system of referenda for anything and can thus push back far easier when EU-influenced ideologues try nasty things (as has recently happened). These countries and others that are sort of culturally-dependent on the EU could also be positively affected if the calls for reform generated by a success of the #Brexit campaign would lead to a shift in the mentality and the worldview projected by Brussels.

If one tries hard enough, additional reasons could be found, but even for these two reasons, alone British non-feminists should consider backing the #Brexit effort and everyone else should consider speaking to a British friend about the benefits of #Brexit.

A success of the #British campaign can indeed strike a serious blow into what we colloquially refer to as “the feminist establishment”. Just think of the feminists at the BBC (currently paid by the EU to broadcast biased information about the referendum). Some of them could lose their jobs or their credentials with a success of #Brexit.

Just saying.

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