, founded by Paul Elam, Janice Fiamengo and Tom Golden has announced it will be issuing monthly recognition of mental health “professionals” who engage in unhealthy, destructive practices. These are practitioners who dupe and abuse individuals who seek them out for help, and who corrupt the education and training of future practitioners.
The following entry is the first in what will be known as the Sick-o-Therapist of the Month Award.
Dr. Laura Brown is a Ph.D. psychologist with impressive credentials and a CV that could easily earn her a seat on a United Nations panel on mental health. And, like many similar feminists, she is practicing a virulent, ideological hatred behind the pretense of mental health treatment.
Even a cursory glance at her online presence confirms all of this. On her web page, titled “Feminist Therapy” she, without compunction, defines and describes a brand of psychotherapy rooted in a political ideology that is hostile to men and boys and blind to anything but victimhood in women.
In one clunky, run-on sentence, clearly designed to impress the indoctrinated, she lays down the foundation.
“I define feminist therapy as the practice of therapy informed by feminist political philosophies and analysis, grounded in multicultural feminist scholarship on the psychology of women, men and gender, which leads both therapist and client toward strategies and solutions advancing feminist resistance, transformation and social change in daily personal life, and in relationships with the social, emotional and political environments.”
A decent editor could have chopped this down to a more sensible and honest version of the statement.

‘I teach women to go to war against men, and men to go to war against themselves.’
“[F]eminist resistance,” is the alarming tell in this patently unhealthy, destructive approach to human interaction. Rather than promoting sexual harmony, effective communication and well-boundaried cooperation between men and women, she focuses instead on manufacturing a brand of hostility that feeds on the assumption that all men are nefarious actors in the lives of women.
Nowhere in her lengthy definition of feminist therapy is the client even recognized as an individual, but rather is identified clearly as a pawn to be maneuvered by the therapist to further a political agenda. “Feminist practice,” she asserts, “derived from the realities that lie outside, beneath, and at variance from the visions of the dominant patriarchal mainstream.”
Perhaps one of the most abusive aspects to Brown’s approach is the stunning dismissal of the client’s needs regarding marriage and the family. Or, as she says of feminist therapy, “It is a theory that not only listens to, but privileges, the voices and experiences of those who have been defined as “other” by dominant cultures.”
In other words, all marriage and family therapy must be biased toward the view of the woman involved, privileging one voice (the woman’s) over the issues and concerns of others. Imagine the impact this brand of “therapy” has on the spouses and children of already abusive, personality disordered women. How much, do you imagine, does this kind of treatment assist women who direly need to face their own dysfunctional behavior?
There is another term in the field of psychology that describes this kind of therapy. Pathogenic, or, more literally, therapy that makes you sick.
It is for this reason that Regarding Men names Dr. Laura Brown as the Sick-o-Therapist of the Month for July of 2019. She is our first designee and will be joined in the days ahead by many other mental health “professionals” who have corrupted the honest, scholarly investigation of the human condition and replaced the effort to help people with the effort to indoctrinate and exploit them.
Shame on you, Dr. Brown.
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