The Honey Badger Brigade will be publishing ICMI19 presentations and other content in due course – I’ve heard of an ETA of late October – in the meantime I’d like to thank the relentlessly hard-working British videographer Ewan Jones for allowing us to duplicate his Chicago interviews on our growing ICMI19 playlist. In due course all the ICMI19 presentations and other published materials (e.g. panel discussions) will be posted there.
Ewan’s channel is here, his own playlist of the same interviews here.
Playlist of Ewan Jones’s interviews of speakers and others at ICMI19
The Honey Badger Brigade will be publishing ICMI19 presentations and other content in due course – I’ve heard of an ETA of late October – in the meantime I’d like to thank the relentlessly hard-working British videographer Ewan Jones for allowing us to duplicate his Chicago interviews on our growing ICMI19 playlist. In due course all the ICMI19 presentations and other published materials (e.g. panel discussions) will be posted there.
Ewan’s channel is here, his own playlist of the same interviews here.
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