ICMI20 speakers list, timetable, link to “Miss Matthews And Her Naughty Young Ladies” video

Yesterday Elizabeth and I also interviewed Miss (Clara) Matthews, 44, and we confidently predict the final video will attract more views than any video in the history of ICMIs – maybe more than all of them combined. The title of the interview is, “My 25 Wonderful Years as a Sex Worker”. The woman is delightful and at times hilarious, too. It would be an understatement to say she’s brought more joy and happiness to the world than all the feminists who have ever lived, collectively.

The ICMI speakers page is here. A fetching photograph of Clara taken two days ago for the conference website, and her website links, can be found about 70 per cent of the way down the page. The video will be published tomorrow (Saturday) at 13:00 GMT/UTC, but in the meantime, you can watch her video (NSFW) Miss Matthews And Her Naughty Young Ladies (8:56). Our thanks to Clare for giving us the video file to promote her work and the conference. Enjoy!

My own ICMI presentation video (“Buchanan’s Laws of Inter-Sexual Competition: Women Fail to Compete Successfully Against Men, and Why They Will Always Fail”) will be published at 08:00 GMT/UTC tomorrow, Elizabeth’s video (“The Power of Stories”) at 23:00 GMT/UTC on the final day, International Men’s Day, 19 November.

We hope you’ll enjoy the conference as much as we’ve enjoyed organizing it.

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