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Contact: Candice Howe
Phone: 832-506-4578
Email: Candice.howe@register-her.com
New Online Registry Targets False Accusers
(Houston, Texas) September 13, 2011. Register-her.com, a public service website has been launched providing a registry of individuals who have been known to make false allegations of rape and other crimes. The site creators point to the following information:
- A study published in 1994 by Dr. Eugene Kanin of Purdue University concluded that 41% of rape allegations in North America are fabrications.[1] Kanin’s study covered a 9 year period and was conducted with the cooperation of civic government in cities surveyed.
- The Orlando, Florida Police Department made a public appeal for false rape allegations to stop because they were putting a stress on police resources and creating a climate of undue fear in that community.[2]
- The Baltimore Police Department reported that 30% of the reports of rape to they received proved to be without foundation when investigated.[3]
- The Innocence Project reports that the number one crime for which they secure the release of wrongfully convicted individuals from prison is rape.[4] 153 of the 268 exonerations, or 57.1%, noted by the Innocence Project were convictions for rape.
“When someone is falsely accused of rape or abuse, the consequences are swift and severe,” says Dr Tara Palmatier, a clinical psychologist who has counseled victims of false allegations.
“Some of my clients have lost their jobs, homes and good reputations,” she adds. “Some have been blocked from spending time with their children. Those who are falsely accused of rape or abuse are immediately presumed guilty by society. They are publicly vilified while their accuser’s identity is protected. When allegations are proven false, it’s far too late: the damage has already been done. For the accuser there is rarely any downside risk.”
Frequently the false allegations go unpunished or under punished, with many of those who commit them being referred to counseling, community service or probation. [5][6][7][8].
The consequences for those accused are frequently severe; resulting in false imprisonment, damaged reputations, financial devastation, loss of employment and even suicide.[9][10][11] Dalton, Georgia police officer Paul Sparks killed himself after a rape allegation was leveled against him. The allegation proved to have no merit. Engineering student Olumide Fadayomi attempted suicide after being falsely accused of rape, and another student, falsely accused by the same woman in a separate incident, succeeded in taking his own life.
“This kind of public service is long overdue.” says Register-her.com spokesman Paul Elam, who added, “The devastation of these acts continues long after the false claims are disproven.”
Register-her.com was established to heighten awareness of this problem, and to help ensure community safety by creating a clearinghouse of information on known false accusers. It also provides a method for victims to put individuals who have falsely accused them on public display.
Register-her.com is a public service provided to heighten awareness of the false allegation problem and to publicly register individuals known to have made false criminal complaints. For more information please contact Candice Howe at 832-506-4578, or by email at Candice.howe@register-her.com
[1] http://blog.lib.umn.edu/jbs/maysession/KaninFalseRapeAllegations.pdf
[2] http://articles.orlandosentinel.com/2010-06-22/news/os-orlando-false-rape-20100622_1_false-rape-reports-jennifer-dritt-real-victims
[3] http://www.baltimoresun.com/news/bs-md-ci-rapes-20100519,0,5338041.story?page=1&track=rss
[4] http://www.innocenceproject.org/
[6] http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-493352/Woman-falsely-cried-rape-EIGHT-times-spared-jail.html
[7] http://seattletimes.nwsource.com/html/localnews/2004291649_false19e.html
[9] http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1280926/Student-cleared-rape-emerges-second-man-committed-suicide-falsely-accused-woman.html
[10] http://www.timesfreepress.com/news/2010/mar/31/probe-finds-no-criminal-evidence-against-dalton-of/?breakingnews