
Gynocentric etiquette for men (part 1)

“Civility is particularly due to all women; and, remember, that no provocation whatsoever can justify any man in not being civil to every woman; and the greatest man would justly be reckoned a brute if he were not civil to the meanest woman. It is due to their sex..” Written a century and a half ago, is this reasoning much different today?

The Truth About Maleficent

Stefan Molyneux unpacks the truth behind the Walt Disney movie Maleficent, starring Angelina Jolie. The film tells the story of a vengeful fairy, driven to curse an infant princess, only to discover that the child may be the one person who can restore peace to their troubled land. But what story is really being told?


It’s plausible to think that ignoring the murdered boys, and paying extra attention to the kidnapped girls in Nigeria is merely because the latter are still alive and can be potentially saved. But, do you seriously think that if a terrorist group captured 200 boys and slaughtered thousands of girls, the headlines would be #bringbackourboys?