Euripides falsely accused of hating women
“While medieval anti-meninism is finally attracting scholarly attention, the roots of anti-meninism go back much farther than the Middle Ages.”
“While medieval anti-meninism is finally attracting scholarly attention, the roots of anti-meninism go back much farther than the Middle Ages.”
Public provision of sex? In the best interest of men and equality of course
The unknown history of adultery and gender double standards
“Yvain and Gawain were like two fighting dogs on whom the sisters had placed bets and set at each other.”
“Psychology of devaluing men’s lives doesn’t depend on failures in modern evolutionary thought. The medieval evolutionary analysis also devalued men.”
Douglas Galbi and performance anxiety.
An Evolutionary Psychologist attempts to intellectualize and legitimize her primitive, cavewoman instincts. Douglas Galbi illuminates her innate gynocentrism posing as scholarship.
Douglas Galbi asks “In twelfth-century Europe, did men unquestioningly accept love servitude to women?”
Can gynocentric societies culturally regress rather than progress?
Douglas Galby discusses the common-law concept of coverture and its negative impact on men.