[quote]They’re losing control of the podium, and the narrative and they’re becoming panic stricken. ~ Keyster[/quote]
As with every change of season, it is fundraising time at AVfM. It’s one of four times a year we ask AVfM supporters to contribute to operations here.
Thanks to your help, we have enjoyed some progress in the battle to further a change in consciousness about men and boys, and some headway in the battle against cultural misandry. That progress does not come easily.

As evidenced by recent hostilities against this and other men’s websites, we are causing a lot of concern in people who have had possession of the floor unchallenged for a long time now. Almost unthinkably, VAWA is now facing real opposition. More male- supportive voices are emerging and growing more strident. And because of this the enemy is reacting to us, to you, with unprecedented hostility.
I wish I could say this was going to be a quick, decisive battle; that the end was in sight. That is not the case. But finally things are beginning to change. That change is painfully slow, but undeniable in the face of their attempts to silence us.
First they ignore you…
AVfM is a proud and persistent part of the impetus for change. And we plan on stepping up the tempo as much as our resources will allow. That is where we must ask for your help.
In the past month we have changed over from an inexpensive shared hosting account to a dedicated server; a 2,500% increase in cost. We have substantial expenses for the radio program, images, legal fees, equipment and other business related items. And all that is before we spend one minute on the almost endless work it takes to manage all this.
We are most fortunate to have people like Alek’s team, JtO, George and others volunteering the needed time and expertise to keep things afloat, but the financial demands are still great and increasing as we grow.
So once again I ask you to give us your support by visiting the donation buttons in the right column of the home page, with our thanks in advance. Without your help, we are just another blog.
This time, I want to leave you with a reminder of just how significant this place is. When the Huffington Post recently published an article attacking this website and the MRM in general, their comment section was overwhelmingly dominated with a diverse group of people calling bullshit, challenging the misandry in the article. Among the comments was one that follows. It exemplifies, at least in my mind, why we must keep this going, and why we must ultimately prevail. The comment is presented here unedited:
2 years ago my nephew had an experience that left him hopeless and struggling with daily thoughts of suicide. Therapeutic intervention had a minimal impact but he was directed to writings at a site AVFM per a recommendation I received from a former female student. There will be a lot of things said about this site but let me be the first to endorse the necessity of its existence as the empowerment that my nephew received literally “picked him up off the floor” with a message that contradicted societys tendency to reduce the value of mens lives to “doings” as opposed to the value of their “being.” Two years later my nephew is in a doctorate program and is focusing much of his time on the devlopment of male counseling centers in collaboration with several of my former female students. I am forever indebted to the “MRM” for their role in my nephews currently restored faith in humanity. Its time we stop minimizing the experiences of men. Whule one may not agree with all that the movement platforms, no attempts at understanding is unacceptable and may inevitably expedite the rapid detrioration of our society. And for those that reference the occasional issues with messaging, do we not understand the anger and frustration of those that are growing weary in their struggle to be heard by society? As a woman of color I get it and stand in solidarity with those men that have decided to stand up for themselves!