Announcements From A Voice for Men


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There have been a couple of recent changes to the front page that I wanted to make readers aware of.

First, at the top of the page you will see a banner for S.A.V.E. (Stop Abusive and Violent Environments). Now, it may cause the average visitor here to scratch their heads and wonder why A Voice for Men would be promoting an organization that openly purports to be “Strengthening VAWA.”

The answer is simple. This organization is reaching out to the public, policy makers and to victims of domestic violence with a very unusual message.

The truth.

If you like, you can read more about it in their New Report on VAWA Accountability.

What better way to fix the problem than to become part of the solution? And for those of you sending me emails asking, “How can I help?” this is one of the very few places I can send you that is actually doing something.

On the lighter side, A Voice for Men welcomes the addition of MRA rocker RulaZ. His YouTube channel is replete with a growing collection of dingy, sometimes down and dirty rock offerings, all original, that are slathered with the frustrations and sometimes the fuck you’s common to the modern male experience. Check out “Pain in the Ass,” here on the home page and give him a sub and a thank you over at YouTube.

We are getting our own music genre, guys, free of charge. Like the rest of us, he is doing it for love, not money. Let’s support him.



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