Last month, we were very fortunate to have the most successful fundraiser for AVfM so far. Thanks again to all of our supporters from across the world.
One of the realities here is that activism, depending on how much you want to do, is expensive. We have gotten a lot out of the money you have donated, and we are proud of our accomplishments. The fact remains, though, that if we want to take it the next level, something we really want to do, we need to have more income. With the numbers of people in our ranks that have already been stripped bare by the system, expecting all of it to come from our donors is unrealistic. We have had enough donations from reader’s unemployment checks to know that.
Some time ago I was talking about this to NCFM President Harry Crouch, who presented me with an idea that I have mulled over for a few months, done some research, and have decided to pursue through this site. I think it is a reasonable way for American MRAs to support this site and men’s activism, while getting a solid deal on cell and data services. Many of you will find that you actually save a few dollars as compared to your current plan.
T-Mobile, one of the major American cell phone carriers, has formed a child company called Solavei, which provides cellular and data services within the 50 U.S. States.
By becoming a Solavei affiliate, AVFM can generate residual income that will go directly to operations and activism here, while providing a service for which most MRAs are already paying, and for less money than they are now spending.
I signed up for the (no contract) service, which provides unlimited phone, text and data, with all the bells and whistles, for $49.95 a month ($51.89 with tax), six weeks ago. It has worked out well for me. The service has been good, and there were no surprises on my bill. I have done a lot of research on the company, weighed the pluses and minuses, and found it a good fit on a personal level as well as for AVfM.
I am providing links here, both to a .pdf explaining how Solavei works, and to the ordering page. Most interested people will just want to look into this because of the value of the service compared to what they are already paying. Others may be interested in the program as a way toward a second income, even if they just want to make enough to cover their phone bill.
While it is not perfect (it is U.S. only for now and some phones are not compatible), it does appear to be a worthwhile venture for AVfM. As I have spent some time on the service with no problems, I am comfortable recommending it to readers and activists.
At this time, Solavei is providing a free Android (after rebate) with each new account.
If you want to sign up for the service, here is the link.
Be sure to use promo code AVFM (all caps) so that we get credit.
If you are interested in reading up on Solavei, which I strongly encourage, read this:
Since AVfM is unlikely to attract commercial advertisers in the near future (and since we really don’t want to) this seems to be one possible path for us to explore that could lead to defraying the cost of our ever growing operational and activist expenses.
Part of the bliss of shunning the traditionally commercial route of depending on advertising money is that we don’t have to sell ourselves out to advertiser’s sensibilities, and readers don’t have to look at their ads every time they visit the site.
We will stay on that path for sure, but you will be hearing fairly often about our efforts to promote this possible game changer for funding future activism.
Thanks, and thanks in advance to all those who choose to support our work with this offer.