Brave Surgeon General recommends against mRNA covid-19 vaccine for males aged 18-39 years old

For two years men’s advocates have been sounding the alarm that mRNA covid-19 vaccines may have adverse or deadly effects on men and boys. These concerns have usually been brushed aside, and the focus of concern has been directed largely toward the effect of vaccines on women’s health. Recently, Florida Surgeon General Joseph Ladapo stepped forward to address this oversight by recommending against males aged 18 to 39 receiving mRNA COVID-19 vaccines. He also noted that males over the age of 60 had a 10% increased risk of cardiac-related death within 28 days of mRNA vaccination, which indicates that males in the higher age categories should also consider whether they want to risk a 10% higher chance of suffering cardiac death. 

Dr. Ladapo has released the following guidance for men:

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