Cassie Jaye interviewed by BBC feminist presenter

Our thanks to John for pointing us to this piece. He writes:

“It’s worth noting Barnett’s background; her Twitter feed is just a stream of feminist nonsense. Most telling is her comment after the interview, at 11:49, about the idea of increasing male life expectancy, something she finds both baffling and amusing. She’s amazingly misandrous without even trying to be, or realizing she is.”

More men die of prostate cancer than women die of breast cancer. There is no national screening program for prostate cancer, while there IS one for breast cancer, and it’s been going for many years (likewise the national screening program for cervical cancer.)

A question for Ms. Barnett: If there was a national screening program for prostate cancer, do you think men’s average life expectancy would increase? Might it be worth spending money on that, if only because men collectively pay almost three times as much income tax as women in the UK?

Mike Buchanan

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