At the end of November 2012, I wrote a greeting letter to the readers of Férfihang – Antifeminista Férfimagazin, which literally means “A Voice for Men – An anti-feminist men’s magazine”. They published it right away and the feedback was great[1].
But moving on beyond the excitement of the moment, there is a problem that exists in a lot of MRAs and, in most cases, it’s not even their fault but rather human nature.
There are still a lot of people that fail to realize that the lack of compassion for men and boys and the ever increasing state-sponsored misandry is a global phenomenon. It doesn’t happen only in the US, or Canada, or Hungary, or India or any other country.
Granted, in some countries the situation is worse than in others. Even Saudi Arabia has plenty of misandry issues. One should not forget that Saudi Arabia is building a new city with special provisions and affirmative action for women that want to work[2].
Both my article in Férfihang and the article written by our fellow colleague Anil Sharma[3] have been greeted with reactions like this:
Holy shit. I didn’t think misandry could be any worse than it is in the west.
A Hungarian reader of Férfihang said this, after reading my greeting letter:
I had no idea that Romania had a problem with feminism.
This is almost a pattern. This kind of attitude coming from blue pill people would not be surprising. But the fact that this comes from people that see through the lies and the manipulations of the feminists and the wide acceptance of misandry, means that it’s sill not clear enough that male disposability, female favoring laws and culture, as well as constant pushing for more institutionalized and/or state-sponsored misandry is not a ‘western problem’ or a ‘first world problem’. This is a global problem.
The more people understand that, the more effective the addressing of the problem becomes.
I live at 250 kilometers (155 miles) to the Hungarian border and 450 km (280 miles) away from Budapest. And, despite that, I know more about misandry issues in Hungary than some Hungarians MRAs whilst some Hungarians have no clue about the inherent misandry in most EU legislation (albeit Hungary joined the EU earlier than Romania) and have no clue about the misandry in Romania, despite the fact that there are Hungarian ethnics born in Romania who’ve written about these issues in Hungarian (thus removing the language barrier).
The most developed Men’s Rights organizations are in India. And it’s understandable. But some people in the MRM aren’t still fully aware of the extent to which the sexual apartheid goes there. And that includes me.
Since it includes me too, it is clear that there is no underlying, targeted criticism in here.
No, this is a call for accelerating the accumulation of knowledge. And this is necessary for each individual that has taken the red pill. Each and every time you hear around you that, let’s say: “Indonesia is a patriarchal society” – remind them that a patriarchal society does not allow women-only trains paid by the taxpayers[4]. Also, a patriarchal society would not allow for women to earn 29% more than a man on average in constructions, or 20% more than their male counterparts in fishing[5].
In Philippine, the country that organizes mass male genital mutilation conferences in order to establish new world records[6], men earn 46% less than women in constructions[7].
These are only a few undeniable facts that people are hardly aware of. And despite those facts, we’re constantly being told half of the story and, apparently, it works even on some of the people that have taken the red pill.
Taking the red pill is not enough. Constant self-education, pursuit of truth and global view of the issues are essential both in activism and in individual life.
[5] Gender pay-gap ITUC study from 2012 – see page 13 (23 in the pdf file) –
[7] op cit ITUC – see page 14 (24 in the pdf file)