Lucian Vâlsan

LucianHaving been born and raised in an Eastern European country, I’ve seen a lot of ugly stuff and I’ve seen what many have only read about in biased books.

I come from a family where longevity is rather the norm. I’ve personally met one of my great-grandfathers, two great-grandmothers and both my maternal and paternal grandparents. I have made audio recordings and written statements that go back to 1880s and I made them with people that have actually lived through those times. One of my great-grandmothers, for instance, lived through both World Wars and survived multiple bombings – whilst on the radio she was told that the Allies were “the good guys” that were not bombing civilian establishments. Yeah right! I might have met some more of my great-grandfathers, had it not been for the World Wars that claimed their lives.

Most of my old relatives are now dead, after living unusually long lives, but what I’ve learned from them gives me a unique perspective which is far more comprehensive than any history book can provide.

For the last 24 years I’ve seen my country and the entirety of Eastern Europe going rapidly from oppressive Marxist-Leninist governments to oppressive “progressive” Marxist-Feminist governments. It was an even more spectacular transformation than what the former West had. In the former West it took 40 years to transform the society to be unrecognizable, whilst in lest than 25 years, the same thing happened in Eastern Europe.

Admittedly, the previous 50 years of oppressive Stalinism represented an advantage, but the transformation was so deep that Romania from 1994, when Gheorghe Hagi conquered the United States in the World Cup, to 2013, Romania seems like a totally different country and society.

I started learning my first foreign language at the age of 3, then electronics at the age of 4. I knew how a satellite analog antenna worked and how to install it before I started school.

School was boring for me as I was always a few steps ahead. Fortunately for me, at that time this was appreciated, unlike now. Had I been 10 or 15 years older, I would have never graduated from high school, or even elementary school because I would have been deemed as “grossly offensive” or punished for “grossly affecting others’ self-esteem”.

I’m not kidding. In the Romanian elementary schools of today a student can be penalized for reading the lessons ahead of time or for knowing too much more than the average student in the classroom.

Then I went to college and I tried, really, really tried to hold on until graduation. But I didn’t. I keep telling myself that it was because of the money but the fact is that it was boring, and the feminization of Universities had just begun. Thankfully, I was out of there before it hit really bad.

Times were tough. I had my first job at the age of 12 and worked throughout my schooling. This gave me the opportunity to get used to being self-reliant and get away from dependency – it allowed me to grow up even faster.

I took the pink pill during high school, but chugged the red pill all the way through less than 10 years ago whilst volunteering for an NGO. Cultural Marxism (or political correctness, if you prefer) was already mainstream, along with its friend, feminism, but during my stay at that NGO, I had the opportunity to see a lot of cases that completely went against every single element of the official narrative about men and women, about race, about class, or any other favorite topic of the ideologues.

Maybe someday I will go into details, but the thing is that once you see these things happening, you can’t un-see them – and once I got the first reactions after I started writing about these issues, I knew that I got things right. As the old saying goes, if you want to find out who rules over you, find out who you can’t criticize.

My parents’ generation was told that it is a “sacrifice generation.” Now my generation is being told exactly the same thing. Well, I’m done being of sacrificed for anyone and I’m done being disposable. And that brings me here, at A Voice for Men, offering my unapologetic perspective in an attempt to contribute to a global FTSU.

[typography font=”Just Another Hand” size=”34″ size_format=”px”]Lucian Vâlsan, [/typography][typography font=”Just Another Hand” size=”24″ size_format=”px”]European News Director, A Voice for Men[/typography]

Lucian’s articles